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In this film’s defense, the title did warn people how bad it would be


The brilliance of films like The Naked Gun had the actors playing their roles straight as if it where a drama


The funny thing is that apparently the actors had fun filming the movie, and the audio commentary is just a bunch of actors reminiscing and having fun. At least they seemed to enjoy themselves.


The face Chaplin gives Rob at the end was better acted than anyone in the movie. He looked genuinely worried about not having a movie script.


According to the Wayans Brothers, two of the actual writers of Scary movie: Setlzer and Freeberg didn't contribute jack shit to their movies and were only credited as 'two of the six writers' because at the time Scary Movie was being made they were making their own worse slasher parody called Scream If you Know What I Did Last Halloween before their script was bought by the Weinstein Company. Setlzer and Freeberg would then throw a fit claiming Wayans Brothers ripped them off so the Writers Guild forced them to include their names in Scary Movie's credits.


You could literally change the title to "2008: The Movie" and no one would argue against it...


"There's nothing that AI can take away from us that we aren't already gladly sacrificing ourselves" has got to be the hardest line I've ever heard in my life and should be the lesson the corporate megacomputer tattoos into our grandchildrens brains.


I met Matt lanter (the voice of anakin) in real life, I asked him what it was like to film this movie. He said the movie is really bad but he did have fun filming it, makes sense because who wouldn’t have fun filming a bad film like this.

He also said Kim kardashian was very nice
And Tony cox was cool (but didn’t talk to him in a while)


God, those chimpmunk puppets are fucking terrifying. I would've guessed the plot was that the meteors were trying to wipe them out.


I had a roommate who thought this was one of the best comedies he'd ever seen. Genuinely couldn't look at him the same way after he said that.


It's actually been well-documented that Friedberg and Seltzer literally just based the contemporary film jokes and references off their respective trailers alone.


Years ago an old roommate brought home one of these movies. I was frowning the whole time, and when he busted up laughing, I lost a lot of respect for him that day


And to think: if Matt Lanter didn't win his audition for Anakin Skywalker, this may have been what he was most known for.


There’s an episode of the show Metalocalypse where they go to a comedy club and one of the comedians is literally just saying “Hey remember Decepticons? Remember Smurfs? Remember Masters of the Universe?”

That’s pretty much what spoof movies became after the early 2000s


You know how bad this film is? Back when the YouTube channel Cinematic Excrement was covering every movie that has won the Razzie for Worst Picture, he eventually covered the 2008 winner, The Love Guru, and when he brought up if any of the other films that got nominated were worse, he started with Disaster Movie and immediately stopped there because he declared it WORSE than The Love Guru, that's how bad it is


Back in the day I saw someone call this movie "We saw a bunch of trailers and added fart jokes: The Movie".


The craziest part about this is I remember the advertising for this movie. I remember that they advertised it as if they were taking on Hollywood. The trailer even at one point said "this year's hottest movies... Are going down". They advertised this as if it was going to be a surgical critique of overproduced trophy films and then all it did was that. I was about 13 years old in 2008 and I remember getting about 4 minutes into this movie and going "This is really dumb". And then I went and watched something else. They couldn't even retain the attention of an ADHD-riddled 13-year-old. That is exactly how shit this movie is


When the crackhead princess said “I have such a terrible headache,” I literally screamed “NOOOOO!” at the top of my lungs, because I knew what was coming.


The key to a good parody is that it be able to stand on its own even if you don't get all the jokes. Look at stuff like Austin Powers, Spaceballs, or The Naked Gun. Even if you don't know what they're referencing, they still strive to be funny within the context of the setting itself, and still tell a coherent story that can stand on its own even if the referenced material didn't exist. 

With movies like this however, there's nothing there but the references, and without them there'd be nothing connecting what little story there is together at all.