
The dyno day is on Saturday the 1st of March, starting at 9.30am
Rectory farm, Cambridge road, Godmanchester, Huntingdon PE29 2BP


I always found it better to connect jump starters or jump leads directly to the starter motor terminals, especially when the battery (ies) are completely dead. Also it's asking a lot of the alternator to charge completely dead batteries


Good video as always George 👍 does the Fastrac have an isolator fitted to it 🤔 cracking looking box that and surprised at the amount of storage it has 👌👍


I thought you should have kept the power pack on until you put the leads back on the battery, as when you took the pack off the main terminals it was like switching her off. But I admire your persistence. You remind me of myself. Looks awesome with your new box on. Health to enjoy George.


Hey George, one of the best buys I've had is a set of combine harvester jumper leads - 6 metres long! They live in my ute all the time and I've lost count the number of times I've had to use them when someone has tried to use a set of car (toy) leads - and failed.


good video  george   ,hope you put a SWR meter on them 2 ways , they VHF or UHF frequency  antenna  needs ro be tuned  in  same as cb does


Excellent video George, great to see the "Saunders Box" back from it's world tour, it's certainly looking good and  as long as that's the only vice you've got life's looking good, Liz must love when new equipment turns up, it always means George is spending money. 👍🤔


Excellent video George,  those dam batteries.  Well worth a try jumping before charging.  The box looks a great multifunctional bit of kit .Well done George 👍🚜🔧


Great vid sir...your needing some solar chargers fitted to the roof of the fastrac to keep its electrics happy... 60+ watts should be dandy...  stay safe 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿


Hi George great video perhaps you will have enough space in your box for a spare battery HA HA!


Ha ha  George's  face when it fired  😅
  Maybe   a isolator  switch  for the future  
 Good video  George thanks for sharing  🤠


Hi George Nice One Looking foreword to see how you set up the box Thanks again


Good to see the Ryetec fitted George. I'll be at the dyno day, so see you there, and look forward to seeing the workbox - looks a good bit of kit!


George fabulous little video mate 👌 don't forget to put your sandwiches in the box😂


Great video, George. I've been following your channel for about 10 years, can't beat jcb fastrac, keep up making great, content 👍


I never get fed up with the sound of that Cummins 👍👍 glad the old girl has come back to life.
Cheers, Poth.👍


Nice New box, I like that it has more edges  & less hairdresser car curves  😂 .


Another great video George box looks great hope you don't need new batteries 🚜😊👍


Good video George, Box looks fab tractors pain in the arse when they won't start


Great stuff George ,well wear 👌👍🙏🙂