Imagine you playing this game and get stalemated because you promoted to a queen after black capturing on h7.
Make a rook and hopefully win a long and painful engame
Promote to a rook?
Promote into DA RUKKKKKKHHHHHH !!!
I think after balck moves the bishop, the white king takes the black pawn, moving the bishop is black's only move, either he can go to h7 or f7, anyway you can promote
We can't take the bishop or king takes and it will be a draw! We can't push our f7 pawn on f8 and make a queen, because it will be a stalemate, and we can't promote on f8 to a knight or a bishop because it also leads to a draw somehow, so the only correct move is to push our f7 pawn on f8 and promote to a rrrrrooooooooookkkkkk!!😊 Please like my comment if I am correct!!😀😎
Under promotion to a rook.
promote to rook, otherwise its a stalemate(queen pins the bishop and prevents movement of king to g7, rook also pins bishop but allows king to move to g7).
Pawn promotion but not to queen, rook will be better 😂.
promotion to a bishop
Pramote to the rookkkkkkkkk
just take the bishop with the pawn doesnot matter whether you promote to da rukkkh or queen after black tajes the promoted pawn white takes h6 pawn and it is completely winning
Promote into any piece other than Queen.
Underprimote a bishops ❤
Ahh yeah if you queen it you draw. So rook
Kh6, and respond accordingly to the bishop, either Pf7 or Ph7. Should be pretty close to mate from there. But I'm new so idk 😂
Move pawn to g7 then move other pawn to f7 checkmate
Promote to a rook