Blud is gonna lose his rarest skin
Nice short bro your just a huge monster verse fan like me keep it up
I unlocked him, and I think a combo you’ll love (Which I do too) is either style of Godzilla with the kaiju cutter pick axe from Thunder in Ch4 S2
so happy your back
Did bro just archive the gold peely 💔💀peely rn 😭🙏🏿🤕
Finally you got him
Did that a couple of days ago
I'm surprised that I got the godzilla skin before you😂
Say bye to peely 🫡👋
I leveled up over twenty levels and still haven’t gotten a single quest done . What gives ?
Poor pealy
I Have both
Get his blue skin
Rip Pleey
Ain’t no way we have Godzilla 1v1 Peter grifting in pleasant park before gta six
Quick question where’s the karon
I thought your channel got deleted
I unlocked godzilla skin on Saturday
I are not level 1424