
This is another great example of why BMX is RAD AS HELL. Keep doing what you do Declan!


This is the greatest combination of humor, skill and style I've ever seen in an edit.


Video of the year


He rides his bike with no handlebars, no handlebars. From FBM to Bonedeth, hell yeah!


He needs some signature bars! This dude is different!


he side flip the feeble stall is dope


Declan's a treasure. Love the mayhem from 1:37 to 1:57.


I had no idea Bone Deth was still a thing


& Declan πŸ”₯


All hail Declan πŸ™Œ


Always been a fan of this dude🦾πŸ”₯πŸ”₯


BD is back, just like Burnsy promised, what a legend!


Declan Murray rulez πŸ”₯.


Best thing ive seen in ages!!


To all BMX shops: PLEASE show that to all the kids who try to copy the latest street hype trixx & to make them understand that BMX ain't frikkin soccer with 1000 rules, but just a free-minded thing.


declan is just fucking with all of us and i'm here for it


The last clip is mind blowing!


Inspirational on all the levels πŸ’― macadonios shiznit


That curb a frame is insaneπŸŽ‰


Best edit I've seen