
simpsons got me feelin' some kinda way


OMG. I don't know how is that possible but I somehow visualized one certain thing from school when I was 12 years old while listening to this song. I remember that there was one girl that I secretly loved and later we became friends and she was my first crush as well.
I can somehow feel exact same emotions that I felt then. Now I am 20. It is interesting how some things stay hidden in our subconsciousness for all those years when you think it's gone but the opposite is the truth. I hope I see her again some day. Anyway, thank you for reading this. I hope you're all doing well.


S I M P S O N   W A V E     I S     R E A L


this is literally showing the terrors of religion and breaking away and opening your mind. okok were doing this
0:07 - religion
0:13 - terrifying children threatening hell
0:15 - bart doesnt want to be a sheep anymore. woke af
0:36 - score
0:38 - first dab


Favorite and saddest video on youtube. Used to watch The Simpsons every night as a kid.


this just makes the simpsons a whole different thing it triggers nostalgia for some reason


I love the part where it says "hell" and Bart's screaming IDK why I love the visuals at that and the "hell" it makes an insane vibe that I can't explain and love


Sad Music is so much more Creativ, then happy Music, or maybe it just suit better to my Soul.


0:00 - 0:12
His voice is soothing.


I like to imagine how people would've reacted to this kind of edits back in the day.


Simpson best ever series made to deep just ordinary watching some episodes and I felt like im watching myself when I was younger to real one of the realest show hidden innocently




Dude, one of the best simpsonswave video. Fuck it! one of the best videos ever


Where has vaporwave been all my life?! I'm nostalgic for a world I don't even know exists.


Wow, this is my favourite example of the meme. The concept is so neat.


whoa.. it's sad but also purifying and soothing and brings a little hope to your tormented soul


hell yeah Xtract!


Finally found this song. Been looking for this specific 1.


Mother of God - THAT BASS!!!  Wow. Xtract really nailed it.