
So, well done. Need more videos from you guys, thank you.


I feel like Homer watching the Half Assed Approach to Foundation Repair.


All doors should be this solid!


Great videos !!! very informative


Door's like this typically start at around $2,000.00-$2,500 a piece plus installation.


Wow this is a serious door!


I wonder how many decibels it blocks out?


Yeh the big question HOW MUCH !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.


this shit fire as fuck


What happens to the door as it settles?  I imagine that with such precise contours and seals (which of course is great), over time this might mean there will be great difficulty in the door shutting at all.  Any thoughts on perhaps the fact of the matter, or if the point is agreed upon, any suggestions to then be made?  Thanks, sincerely!