0:41 that was actually such a nice save
Oh the glory years of watching GP2. F2 will never have quite same vibe.
4:23 Joe Rogan joins F1 commentary
0:27 carlos sainz russia 2020 flashbacks
If I had a dollar for everytime a GP2 driver did some sort of hand gesture I’d have over a million dollars
Thanks! Man I remember how worried I was for Daniel De Jong after his crash in Spa. At the time, Jolyon Palmer said it was the biggest crash he’d ever seen in GP2.
Great compilation as always!
I never got to watch gp2. When I started watching it was already f2 (I prefer the f2 branding. Makes more sense).
Fun to see these rookie drivers making so many mistake
Love these compilations. More please if you have the old footage
if i had a dollar everytime a gp2 driver did some sort of hand gesture i would have enough funding to drive in there myself
That last one was scary af
some of these are ridiculously silly... having only watched F2 since 2021 this is quite different
Feels like since GP2 became F2 these kind of stupid divebomb crashes happen far less now
2:26 "Mama Míaaaaa" !
These videos are too fun 😍
the best gp2/f2 cars ever
4:02 why tf is he waving his hands? It was clearly his fault
2:25 mamma mia marcello that's not how to drive a gp2