Some points: 1. It's not entirely new - the position is known in Blackmar Diemer theory as the Berg Countergambit. A comment about the subsequent f3 had appeared in one of Eric Schiller's books. 2. The Bongcloud is usually after e4 e5 and then Ke2. 3. The novelty appears to be Chigaev's counter-counter gambit, but that remains to be checked.
I played that opening 3 years ago. It's officially called Methcloud all nighters gambit.
I'm pretty sure my buddy and I did the exact same opening when we were 6 years old and just learning the game.
You asked the purpose of the Knight-F7 move. To me this prevents rook H8 (forcing the queen to move), then further being pushed by the other rook (all the time black is developing his pieces, weakening white, and restricting the safe places the Queen can go before being pushed back). Whilst pushing whites queen black is soon attacking whites king with 2 rooks and 2 knight (and the queen is well placed to join in the attack).
dude keeps saying "bongcloud gambit" like it's going to catch on
Isn't bong cloud start from kings pawn .... also "THIS MOVE WAS NEVER PLAYED IN CHESS" is just wrong .....
I used this all the time as a kid. It only works if your opponent has never seen it before.
might as well be 17mins of someone screaming "I HAVE NO IDEA WHAT IM TALKING ABOOOOOUT"
If he ain’t win with that chess opening , shittt why the hell would I do it lmao
That's how we used to open in primary school, cause it looked funny.
I thought it was gonna be a landslide victory the way you were talking. It was a fuckin draw!!!!!
NF7 prevents block to put RH8 as QH7 is there, so Magnus wants to stay his queen in 7th rank also NF7 supports whites F5 pawn which allows NF3 gets into new activities
There is no way im calling that opening that
"... never been played before in the history chess" Szenetra, Werner vs Rabiega, Robert Neckar op 3rd · 1999 · Queen's pawn game (D00)
I've played this opening for years... It open up the board to build some strong positions...This is a variation in the 4 move checkmate...
A better ending for Magnus: At 16:20, Magnus should've moved pawn to h7. If black rook×g7, stalemate. If black does any other move, Magnus pawn to g8 makes queen. If black rook×queen, pawn×rook makes queen again. The ending Magnus did made stalemate the very obvious move to make. The move I suggest, in a crunch game, black is more likely to blunder and not take the stalemate. I, of course, found this better move because unlike the players I had plenty of time to think about it.
15:58 OR, White King to G6; Black King to D6; Pawn to H7; Black King to E6; White King to G7; Black King to F5; Pawn to G6; Rook to H5; Pawn to H8 -QUEEN; Rook takes Queen; White King takes Rook; Black King takes pawn = DRAW
"Resign is a concept invented by the Jedi! I don't even know how to spell it...."
8:17 My guess: I suspect the Knight to F7 partially pins down the queen (blocking Qn to D8) but is actually enroute to H6 to rely of queenly backup to threaten the rook with impunity, and possibly gaining 2 points if it forces an exchange to simplify. Black's left flank (our right) would be gutted, allowing even more pressure to be put on the black royals in the center.