
The fact John and Paul were around the same age, in the same obscure place, at the same time, and met up, is pretty mind blowing.  John or Paul, could have searched every town forever and not have found a better musical partner.


When Paul McCartney gives you songwriting advice, you listen


I've heard these stories hundreds of times from Paul but they still always make me smile and bring a little tear of joy.


Listening to Paul McCartney, it strikes you almost immediately how witty he was. A guy with a great sense of humor. Probably it's one of reasons why The Beatles became so famous.


When you really really listen to Paul, John was his equal, and like a true brother to him, you can see just how much he misses him, no disrespect to Paul’s biological brother, who I’m sure he loves dearly.


I could listen to Paul talk about writing for hours and days on end.


Its good to see Paul is still healthy and doing good with a good sense of humor. God bless the old boy.


John and Paul were the quintessential songwriting team.


Paul has told these stories a hundred times but never tires of them because of his love for having John by his side


Only man in the world who can get a whole room of people completely mesmerised just by talking.


So, I was sleeping, y'know.


It’s a minor miracle that they were both teenagers into songwriting and music and met each other! How many teenagers were writing songs back then? Even now that’s something rare. But they complemented each other brilliantly. And both could sing 🎤! 

And then George comes along and he could sing and write good songs eventually as well. So that’s Amazing! 

To have Three Songwriters in one Band? Unbelievable! I think It was just destined to happen. One of those happy accidents or happenstance that they all found each other. And they changed the World 🌎!


The Beatles were one of...   if not the first groups who refused to perform infront of a segregated audience.


Paul is one of the best singer-songwriters of all time that I admire so much.  If only I get a chance to be coached by him, it would be the best ever that could happen in the whole world lol. Sir Paul, you're the man. I salute you...mwah.


John and Paul are literally Yin and Yang and together they were incredible!


Paul is just so nice ! He does so much and has made millions, if not billions , of people happier in their lifetime than any other person on this planet !


Lennon McCartney was and will always be the best song writing team. Complete geniuses


The songwriting team of Lennon and McCartney will go down in history as one of the most prolific duos in the world. They complimented each other perfectly. I never had the chance to see John live,but i saw Paul in Syracuse last year. The man is a genius.


Sir Paul----    A great man,      with incredible talents and a love of humanity.


When you look at a beautiful flower and stop and wonder how it it come together so beautifully and so perfectly and so symmetrical and so captivating then I see John and Paul and realise that "someone" brought these two together. That's before you even smell the flower.