
Update trailers are always a banger, Best thing about War Thunder updates.


This trailer hits so hard, especially the Su-27 and F15 meeting each other in slo mo.


This was one hell of a trailer. Absolutely fantastic work


Aurora XV 54

That's the song in this trailer for those who want it.


That moment when watching a new update trailer gives you more fun than playing the game itself.
11/10, this gave me chills down my spine.


The fact that they dropped the hardest trailer to date, AND got Troy Baker to narrate is crazy! Absolute bravo Gaijin! GIVE THE PEOPLE THAT MAKE THE TRAILERS A RAISE!!!




You know that War Thunder's atmosphere is different❤‍🔥


I remember watching the Danger Zone trailer and thinking that there was no way Gaijin could top it. And then Apex Predators happened, and now this. Its simply fantastic


Man I love Troy Baker's VA/narratting, it never dissapoints me. From voicing Joker, Robin, Batman and many more. Now he is narrating in a WT trailer.


I feel like a true veteran seeing this, looking back at how far this game has become, I remember playing armoured vehicles back then during its beta, and now we are getting the latest up to date vehicles. Good job war thunder! :)


Seeing two F-15's flying together you can say only one thing: Yo Buddy... still alive?


And to think we were blown away when the F-16 and MiG-29 came out, and now this <3


The game isn't always great, but the trailers are always a pure goosebumps moment!


Troy Baker is one of those VAs that you forget has done everything under the sun. Just from his TFWiki page along, he's done Jetfire in Tranformers: WFC, Yuri Lowell in Tales of Vesperia, Excaliber in Soul Eater, Kanji in Persona 4, Pain & Yamato in Naruto: Shippuden, Joel in The Last of Us, Greed in Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood, and Batman in various games and movies.

And now Gaijin can put a celerity on their list, if they ever use him again.


Danger Zone, Apex Predators, and now Air Superiority. Each of these updates were a new Major Revolution to how this masterpiece of a game plays out and has changed and will change the course of warthunder history. Let this be a moment to remember where we have come from to where we are now to cherish how far this game has developed!


vehicles confirmed on this theaser
0:35 strv122b+
0:54 m1a2 sepv2
1:09 t90m
1:19 saab 39 gripen
1:31 f15a eagle
1:43 su27 flanker
2:05 mirage 4000
vehicles confirmed on the teaser
those were the vehicles most anticipated in the teaser
thank you for viewing this review and for those people who detected different vehicles as well :)


Ace Combat Zero vibes from the F-15 And Su almost hitting each other, love it


I think I’m in love 😍
Whoever made this trailer deserves a big raise and a hug, well done


I actually started to cry at everything starting from 1:43, just to see how far everything has come.. even with all the ups and downs.. it's still my game, and it always will be.