
Fantastic thank you, thank you, thank you, for releasing it on here and not Disney+ where we in the nordic countries have to wait months and months after release.


I have become a huge fan of Albert’s work. I hope his work continues to.


I was pleasantly surprised to see Ingibergur helping you out with your documentary. He lived in Grindavík, coached basketball teams there, covers the news together with my brother to this day about the events that take place there. I have been there myself … it is a tragedy and not like one you expect to encounter in modern society but the scars are no less hurtful. Nature dictates what will happen in the future, all we can do is wait and help those in need


I just want to say that Albert Lin is my inspiration because of his unique technological take to archeology, I don't think I could properly understand the technology part lol. I just graduated high-school last spring, and it's taken me so long to figure out what I want to do, one time during a depressive episode of mine I found a documentary of his and I got hooked, so I just kept watching any I could find with him. I'm going to become an archeologist because of him, and I will succeed because I have to. I've never pushed myself to do anything before, I've always just gone with the flow, and I barely graduated high-school on time, I almost dropped out. I want to look at archeology from a biblical perspective and I think that could be unique, in a way. But I just wanted to say that Albert has impacted my life in a crazy way, I've never met him, and I probably never will, I'm just one of the masses, but if there's a slim chance he's read this, then I'd like to say; Thank you, thank you for giving me something to hope for, something to dream about, and something to look forward to. It's crazy how someone through a screen can change your life. (Also, my faith in God has helped move me from my slump, but thats a whole other topic.)


The credits at the end was a nice touch 💜


This is one of your best pieces. Amazing.  Thank you ❤


Thank you for bringing us on this journey. I felt as if I was physically there. Awesome film and amazing information presented! ♥♥♥


I love this. The sense of magic through storytelling struck me very quickly on my visit there. The way stories and folklore are woven into the land is quite special.


A timeless watch. An epic journey out of the questions even out of the imagination &  into the mystic and ultimate peace of natures majesty. Just beautiful!...I would watch again in a heart-beat just to benefit from the feeling of "awakening" it brought.  Thank you Albert! , Your presentations rock, but this film stands above them all, bless u & may J dance above your skies in all your journeys to come , keep writing in that book!


Absolutely LOVE this documentary!! I could just feel what you were talking about, the magic of  Iceland.


OMG!!! I loved it you could almost just feel the magic and power of the living breathing island! Wonderful job to all involved!!


I was there last year for 9 days doing Ring Road.It's just unspeekble.That is why I decided to go again this year, but this time, 12 days for the interior F roads. That country is calling me back like no other place I have been in the past. It's hard to describe. This place has a healing property for sure.


Sensational ❤ Thank you Explorer Albert Lin ❤ Your talent is so very appreciated - your gift - your art- your exploring & sharing


Instant sub.

Amazing stuff Albert!
The photography, the dialog, the editing. 


Thank you for taking us places we can’t. Merry Christmas 🎄


Great, incredible, epic and unique!


That was truly Magic, Albert, thank you for making it accessible for us all. Merry Christmas/happy holidays to everyone from New Zealand.


amazing thank you for sharing. really love your work


0:59 i’m hype ◡̈


Well done! Loved seeing my country and the stories I was told as a kid through your eyes! And specially loved seeing my good friend and amazing person Ingi Thor there!