Thor and Hyperion in vol 4 is my favorite moment in comics... "Will you wait for me in Valhalla?" "Brother, today I will race you there"
cap getting a “if it bleeds, we can kill it” moment is so badass
You can really feel the mans passion about comics when he is talking, you deserve tons of respect for these type of videos.
“Jonathan Hickman’s Avengers and New Avengers, son son son”
Doctor Doom is one busy ass dude lol
I love that Doom would rather let the entire universe die than accept being anyone's second choice.
I hate the way they treat The Living Tribunal like fodder. It would have been fine if he lost, but at least killed a few Beyonders first before getting overwhelmed by dozens or hundreds of Beyonders, but he didn’t even get an on panel shot in on them. Starbrand, Thor, and Hyperion were able to kill one. Put some respect on The Living Tribunal’s name!
Doom: casually maps the multiverse
This is one of if not the greatest Marvel run I’ve ever read.
I think robs been replaced with a LMD.... he mentioned the Inhumanes and failed to throw in a "because they suck"!
"What do you have to show the class today, Comics Explained?" "Jonathan Hickman's Avengers and New Avengers!" "This is the third time you've shown Jonathan Hickman's Avengers and New Avengers this week"
Starbrand sounds like the kind of guy Saiyans would wanna train with.
I love how Rob takes any opportunity to talk about Jonathan Hickman's Avengers and New Avengers
Also the art styles in this run were chef's kiss.
Rob, that was a phenomenally clear and succinct summation of a massive amount of information that spanned something like 2+ years and multiple titles from Marvel. As always, so well done and thank you so much.
Your initial videos on Hickmans FF, Avengers and New Avengers into Secret Wars is what got me into comics. Hickmans HOX/POX came out not long after I saw those and I've been hooked since. This story truly is the best.
Everyone was essentially whipping it out and measuring it against each other to see whose is bigger. And it turns out Doom went ahead and gave himself the biggest one. Classic Vic.
Marvel destroying the multiverse in Hickman avengers run was really awesome and super interesting in my opinion.