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Hermione was a more dedicated reader/researcher than Dumbledore,  largely because she wanted to learn.   Much like me as a child...  I was reading encyclopedia sets,  science periodical like Scientific American (before they went all political) and dictionaries published about 1900 at home... at school because my elder brother had severe dyslexia and I had a speech impediment (tongue thrust forward due to huge tonsils and I thought much faster than I could speak -- I had to learn to slow down my thoughts before I spoke,  and speak slowly) at age 6.. read through most of the Old Testatment when given my own Bible in ONE Sunday afternoon at age 8 (up to psalms which bored me because I did not understand poetry),  I skipped the rest of the psalms and finished the Old Testament the next time I had time to read.  Mind you I could read from 600 to 100 words a minute silently... about ten words a minute speaking...  I would read the entire Dick and Jane book and have to find out where the class was when it came my time to read.  Oh did my mom raise holy hell with the school when she found out I was in the "Slow" reading class.


My favourite  is peterpettigew


And hermione granger


Any one would love a hermione granger  on there team put us in our place help us with hard task  cause   she so bight   good have friend like her  if remus lupin was in this era them have two bight people  he was bightes wizzard for marauders  that why think remus hermione  are so simler


use "non magic", not "muggle" .using the word muggle is insulting and inappropriate, unless you are a follower of Voldemort. dislike for that.