Night witch mortis is the example of "so bad it's good".
What did 8-Bit classic ever do too you
Bro must be having does kindergarden vibes if you denied pink as a skin
8 bit classic is really good
for pure value out of the skins, I understand, but pink piper and 8 bit classic will forever go hard for me i agree with the rest of the list tho
GT max been quiet since this dropped….
That pearl skin is fire though 😭
I got every single one of them🤣
That one Max skin...
8 bit classic is good the hell you talking about
The orange and blue max one of the worst for me
Never let bro cook
Look at leonard Carl bruh
Every single black one
8 but skin fire
Elf angelo 🤢
Fresh cut brock?
Bro what about gt max
Poop spike