Thank you mh team, you have given us such a great game, so many memories for my friend and I and other players of course. Mh team is the GOAT
Honestly, no matter what the next title update holds, be it Amatsu or Velkhana like the leaders are saying, or something completely out of the blue like Shantien from Frontier or even an Online monster, I'm hyped. Sometimes they slowdown or stumble, but the Monster Hunter team never puts in less than 100%, ans for that, I'm thankful.
CAPCOM I discovered you because of fighting games, never imagined how far you've reached, cazar monstruos es mi pasiรณn, es mi juego favorito
I uploaded my first video august 1st, the day after the launch of sunbreak. A year ago, If someone had told me id be a youtuber, and that my main game would be monster hunter, id just laugh at them. Monster hunter has been an incredible experience, and i wouldnt be here on youtube without it. Thank you capcom, for everything
It's been great so far & I'm just waiting to be blown away by the next update.
400 hours in this game and I am still loving it... can't wait for the next title update. The MH team has been so good to us this year, thank you all!! I know you guys are already hard at work on the next stuff, can't wait to see what challenges await us hunters next!
I play MH since Freedom on psp, and i never stoped since. Thanks to capcom for this amazing serie !
2022 really became the year where Capcom truly redeemed themselves. Sunbreak, SF6 Beta, RE8 Rose DLC, even Exoprimal beta was mad fun. Can't wait for 2023 where Mega Man Battle Network takes the stage.
Game of the year right here for me. I can't get enough of hunting, absolutely such a satisfying experience as always with every game in the series I play. Also this track from the credits is incredible. I like rewatching the credits just to hear it.
2023 will be another year of hunting for me and my brother! Thank you so much for all the great moment we passed and those who will come together!
After my friend got me hooked on this franchise with rise and we burned through GU, it was only a matter of time before time before our next brand new adventure. The lead up to this game was some of the most phenomenal hype Iโve ever experienced. We both collectively lost our minds in March for Astalos. And with two new friends joining us for sunbreak, it was genuinely my best gaming experience ever. I still fondly and vividly remember the malzeno demo and learning a bunch of new weapons with my friends. Thank you Monster Hunter and thank you Capcom for bringing me and my friends together one last time with this phenomenal game, canโt wait for the next updates!
This trailer is a 10/10 to me. Please keep up the good work Capcom. We're all looking forward to the next update.
Ah, 215 hours in GU, 200 in Rise/Sunbreak, around 100 in 3U, and a current 4U playthrough... Man I love this series!
Stories 2 really got me into MH and now being hooked onto the wonderful world you have created. I hope we get to see a new MH game this year and especially hoping for a new Stories game soon.
One day, I'll be looking back to this game and remembering the good times I've had.
Thank you monster hunter team for making the year a bit better also that silhouette is definitely velkhana
Velk and Amatsu in SB, and the new hype train with Monster Hunter 6. 2023 is gonna be good!
Since Tri released I thought Monster Hunter looked too complicated for me so I just turned a blind eye to it for a very long time. I just didn't care. Then Rise was announced and I started hearing about it more and more as the year went on and when it came out, and then decided to finally try it out and got my hands on a copy the following Christmas. Because this game and series was so new to me I was worried I wasn't going to like it much. It took awhile but eventually Rise finally clicked with me and it clicked HARD. The more I played it the more I liked it. The gameplay was fun, the characters were fun, the monster designs were awesome, the music was amazing ect. Then Sunbreak releases and I fall in love with it all over again. Being the Pokemon nerd I am I also gave Monster Hunter Stories 2 a shot and liked it nearly as much, getting to have the power of certain monsters in my hands rather than slaying/capturing them all the time made it all the more special to me. My dad passed away a mere few days before Christmas last year and Rise really helped me get through that, and dare I say it may even be my new favorite game of all time. Thank you Monster Hunter and thank you Capcom. I recently got Generations Ultimate and really looking forward to it as well some other older games in the series, and I can't wait to see where they go from here
Merry Christmas MH ๐ ๐โ, & much luv to all of the MH community ๐ฅ๐ค๐พ๐ค!!!