
It is so generous of you to keep adding new flows.  I have been doing this every day since 2020 with you. I  cannot imagine a morning without Kassandra!  Thank you!   This was perfect for today.


I’m just turning 70 I have been practicing yoga on and off for most of my life, 7 years ago I was diagnosed with prostate cancer, I’m in complete recovery now but throughout the treatment I’ve let my yoga practice  slip and began to notice the effects of my age. Now for the last few months I’ve been returning to my practice and thanks to you I have begun to notice a marked improvement in my flexibility and stamina. Thank you for your efforts 🙏


With a baby I find it difficult to be able to do yoga with you all anymore. I feel depressed. These short ones every once in a while help to boost me up. Stay safe everyone ❤️


I love this community. Thank Kassandra! Have a great one y'all ☀


This is such a perfect combination of stretch and strength after just waking up. I'd love more of these!




This is a perfect practice for those mornings when you REALLY REALLY do not want to roll out the mat.  Thank You


I started your 30 day morning yoga routine, and now I don't know how I would begin my day without it. I truly appreciate the variety and short, manageable workouts.


Kassandra, I'm grateful for you! Three months postpartum, and your yoga flow helped me get somewhat of my sanity back. I look forward to starting my morning with you ❤


I just lost my dog of 12+ years yesterday. I cried through this one because sometimes he would come for pets while I was lying down in a twist. Thank you.


Kassandra again, and again, thank you! Love your channel, your practices and the lovely human you are. Thank you.


Hi everybody! This practice also works wonders if you do it right before lunch if you've been sitting all morning at work 😊 Loved it!


I am 70 years old and have been following you for a week...haven't missed a day.   Love it!  Thank you for all you do!


I used to be someone who wondered why youtuber's would make 5-15 minute yoga flows or workouts... now I know why.  Having a newborn/baby/toddler - I'm lucky to get 15 minutes.  So thank you!


I love these yoga sequences. Kassandra is so amazing, her clear guidance , her beautiful voice and excellent quality yoga are the best way to start the day.


Good morning Kassandra and community!  Have a wonderful day! 🤍🙏🏽💙


Thank you for being here for us❤


I usually do your evening yoga but this morning I woke up with a bad back after moving furniture yesterday. This 15 min morning yoga flow made a HUGE difference, I feel so much better. Merci Kassandra!


Today is Tuesday, May 28, 2024 and I enjoyed your morning yoga offering. I have participated in your classes a long time. You mentioned, in a recent open conversation with your students, it has been 10 years and you remain consistent, engaged and you teach with love. As a yoga teacher myself, a nurse and former massage therapist, I really hope you will give yourself a vacation this summer. It will be a reunion for your soul and self, restorative on every level and you’ll love return rejuvenated with a new perspective. Kassandra you deserve it and you are wonderful.
Thank you, Mary Heather🧘🏼‍♀️


I joined you after Covid too.  Love the strength with the flows and your graciousness.  And recently, with a friend who has a head injury, we tried your chair yoga  and that was wonderful too.  Namaste!