
I'm happy that I found your channel again, I have not seen you for little over 3 years now and you are still killing it with the music. Keep it up man.


2018 meme song lead me to your channel. Your legendary songs and covers make it impossible to leave.


Hearing the 2018 music in the background of every video is so nostalgic.. and makes me feel so old to think that was several years ago. Still my favorite.


Bro epic song can't wait to see the finished product


I assume the 2021 version was cancelled? Shame! Always looked forward to the song! Always sunned up the year perfectly! Brought back the memories and everything! 

Well…perhaps one day…


i was actually playing my ukulele when i got this notification


i had to check to date to make sure it wasnt april fools


I'm happy I found the song I've been looking for it for such a long time


Yo sounding good so far my guy ❤️ love you man


Omg yay you came back to my recommendations I found your channel like a while back from a drumsy video your voice is amazing so are your songs!


Great as always and I'm looking forward for more!


omg i love this! this is perfect!!!


This is gonna be a bop


still can't believe you didn't show me this first smh my head




Looking forward to the finished one :)


Yes I’m so happy😂🤣I was in the Live


You're on the right track, bud. :p Keep it up! I can't wait to see how you finish this one!


0 dislikes as it should ✋😌


Great song. Been waiting all year. :) Also are you still planning to make BTK?