
Perfect dodge, homing arrows, multi shots. This is the most anime version of Robin Hood




holy wow that focus mode is probably the biggest thing for bow out of all the weapons
Also that new thousand dragon animation with a bunch of arrows in hand is peak anime


Holy shit! 😭 Bow mains are feasting! 

That multi shot with focus mode 🤌🏽
That jump shot 🤌🏽
The homing arrows and tracers!🔥🤌🏽


Oh my goodness. The evolution of spike drive, dragon piercer comboing with it, the adept dodge, and focus mode arrow rain? This class has been so blessed and it's gonna be a blast in wilds!


I didn't expect to see some Magic Archer skills here :D


As a Bow main, I've been waiting for this with great anticipation... every weapon looks marvelous and I'm glad they are breathing fresh life into all of the weapons. That being said- here's to our future hunts, my fellow hunters!


That firing sound is amazing. Reminds me of the Anor Londo Archers with their Greatbows. The new bow gameplay looks really satisfying!


One huge factor I love about the new Bow, is the fact that the "near dodge" mechanic has it's very own animation now unlike in Rise & Sunbreak where it's just a visual or audio que. And that jump before the jump-shot was perfect!!


0:03 that's a cool armour set! i think i know what other set i'll wear along with High Metal and the armour in the Charge Blade video.


Finally the bow! It is going to be god tier again and dragon's dogma lock on


I saw that Tracer and Homing Arrow move and all I could think of was how to use The Fifth Element's homing bullet gun scene to parody it...
- Jean-Baptiste Emmanuel Zorg, probably:
"I'll tell you what I like; a hunter.  A dyed-in-the-wool hunter.  Cold-blooded, clean, methodical and thorough."  
"Voila, the new, improved Bow!  It's portable, foldable, good for righties and lefties.  And with Replay, another Zorg addition, it's even easier!  One shot..." 
tracer head launches
"And Replay sends every following shot to the same location!"
volley of homing arrows makes a pincushion
"And of course, all the Bow oldies but goldies;   electric arrows, paralyzing or poisonous heads, ice arrows, the always efficient flame arrows (my favorite) and for the Grand Finale, the improved Max Draw Charge Shot!!!"
the huge monster head wrecker arrow deploys


As a bow main you have no idea how fast I clicked as soon as I saw the notification




I think Bow just became the greatest weapon in the game. Hands down the coolest! Holy moly! How I wish my friend Kyra could see this. She mained bow, but unfortunately passed away last year.

Edit: Thank you everyone. I love the Monstee Hunter community. <3


0:40 That spin, preparing for the shot then boom can't wait 😄


0:35 Welcome to Monster Hunter, Huntress Risk of Rain 2.

edit: 0:50 Welcome to Monster Hunter, Magick Archer Dragon's Dogma.


bow looks absolutely incredible!! So many cool changes!! I'm definitely picking bow up in Wilds


0:48 every monster gansta till i pull out my fricking lock on bow


With that multi shot to weak points, I can already see over powered builds were every shot does 150-210 damage