“Go to your room, Dad!” The words of a Chad
"We don't say goodbyes" "Because we are bad guys," "We say bad-byes!
1:46 just love that laugh
When the king said “quiet people piss me off” I thought sushie would say hey get your own line
3:33 “you’re probaly wondering how i got myself into this mess.“
Everyone: tries exactly once to talk sense into the king. The King: No screw you Everyone: "welp I tried. Time to kill."
3:31 oh sh- its the new dvd screensaver hitting the corner.
8:31 My favourite thing about this. Kris is not a lifeless vessel. He's something much more.
0:40 when your friend plays Danganronpa and gets sad
To my people I'm a hero, to you I'm the bad guy -King That's my favourite line just because
Falling into obscurity? Fulfilling their purpose? They're all game pieces, but now that nobody plays with them anymore, they feel like they have no purpose. And once the dark fountain is destroyed, they believe they'll become the same unused pieces again.
I don't think a lot of people realize this, but King is one of the few enemies where it makes ZERO difference whether you beat him by fighting or by defending and running out his dialogue. I kind of want more enemies I can beat the shit out of with no consequences because Deltarune's more traditional RPG style combat makes fighting enemies more fun.
"To my people, I am a hero." "To you?" "I'M THE BAD GUY!"
King isn't THAT bad, he truly knelt down & tried to explain to his son that he believed we were taking advantage of him. He truly believed that. His problem is he is so stricken with vengefulness rage that he can't handle when anyone disagrees with him that he is in the right. So he snapped. (like he did when he locked up the other Kings) "WHAT DID YOU SAY?!" "To my people, I'm a hero..." He didn't actually try to kill Lancer afterward, he saw, in his mind, that we really depend on him for our plan to work so he threatened to throw Lancer knowing full well we would give in. Hence, "See what happens" He wanted to teach Lancer a lesson, that doesn't work if he's dead.
Lancer: hello dad! The king: no *yeets off building*
2:41 I love this move a lot idk why
"Now im the Dad!!" 💀💀💀💀💀
3:15 “you DARE return to torment us once again?” [Target Ralsei]
turns out, he was bluffing about throwing his own son off a cliff. even if he did go through with his threat... he'd bounce. so yeah he actually might not be such a bad guy after all. it just took incarceration to bring out his better side.