
Always great to see professionals talking on psychological/relationship issues. Consider, please, inviting Ken Howard. He has quite interesting podcast about therapy and coaching in gay community.


just want to once again express my gratitude for this show; it's sort of reignited this sense of curiosity in me around the concept of synchronicity and connectedness... it definitely seems like the algorithm is working in my favor, bringing me episodes on topics that are very pertinent to my life right now.
This was so educational for me and definitely affirmed a lot of what I've been speculating around my own attachment style, which is very much being poked and prodded as I'm forming new connections in my life recently. Having the vocabulary for disorganized attachment and understanding the kind of contradictory impulses I've been dealing with is so helpful.
This podcast has been so valuable to me in beginning to heal some of the shaky coping mechanisms and maladaptive patterns I've been working with; I feel like I'm really building a solid foundation for my relationship with myself and others. So much gratitude. <3 <3 <3


Thank you


This was such a great episode. My attachment style is dismissive avoidant. I recently began the journey to healing this part of me. Just being aware of my weaknesses and choosing a different path has worked tremendously. If you ever make a podcast episode on healing the inner child I would love to hear it ❀


Great segment, I appreciated the comment that those who had to work through their trauma value and cherish secure attachment more than someone who may have been raised with secure attachment. I also appreciated the point that being in a place of secure attachment does not mean we stop learning and growing, we still experience feelings, we have to work through them.


Thank you so much once again, this video was very useful to me (and everyone else I suppose) 😊


OMG, I have so much to say about this episode. I am newly connecting with a guy and it is presenting so many issues from my past. I am awkward in negotiating it and my excitement over the prospect of something new and all the potential it might offer makes me anxious, which often reflects in neediness, and that usually will scare a guy away. So much to talk about and hope the topic comes up in a monthly share, where I can compare my issues with others.


Definitely had to take some notes on this one! Interesting how identifying these patterns can takes us from a miserable relationship to a joyful state. Thanks as always!


I’d like to see non-monogamy discussed in a broader context. Why do so many gay men tend to have sex with strangers? High male sex drive? For sure. Absence of women who tend to be more restrictive when it comes to sex: I believe so. Insecure attachment: might play a role, too. Guess there are more aspects to cover!


Wow sounds awesome to be able to learn through dating! I really struggle getting as far as dating


This podcast is like me more into deeper connection ❀


Thanks Matt and Ken.great relevant chat. πŸ™πŸ‘


thanks so much for this thoughtful conversation. I'm new to attachment theory so this show was very helpful. I lean toward disorganized with strong dose of anxious! the suggestions for healing work toward end of podcast sound most useful. Thanks Matt and Ken for your deep insights!


Anxious attachment style here STILL recovering from a anxious avoidant (disorganizes) who I thought might be an incarnated soul or twin flame or something - one year of no contact and I thought about them EVERY day usually many times a day  - we regain contact and he...was not doing the same. Oh well, we are good friends now but I am STILL working on the obsessive thoughts, such as why my other friend got an emoji reaction an...NOT ME lol,  I put on a very strong front!


Watch all his vids!


All of our friendships, group identity experiences (good or awful) affects our expectations of any relationship. My parents had a great, loving marriage. Both strongly individualistic but devoted to each other. Warts and all. I want that. But I've been violently abused and deserted by friends I trusted.The scars and the golden memories shaped my expectations of love. But now I'm strong enough to walk away if need be.


Very interesting. relationships are organic, We are who we are because of them for the good or bad. !!


Happy birthday ken


What about being  verbally and physically abused by school class mates, in Middle school?


de best guys ever!!