
if theres 5 cracks, and i have my own crack- cuts courage off


0:39 Nick had to switch it off before it became non family friendly ๐Ÿ˜‚


I love these role plays in each video, they are so much fun!โค


Bro this is the first time in a LONG time that I've been THIS HYPED for a new season.


I had so much fun in these!! Good job Nick!


Much Respect for putting that much Effort in the Videos and Customs. Continue doing your Thing King :face-red-heart-shape:


3:00 that one guy shooting at the hand ๐Ÿ—ฟ




I love the roleplays at the start of the vid. Keep it up nick eh 30


In the heart of Olympus, a mysterious box lies in wait. It is said, that this box harbours the evils of the world, gifted to Pandora by Zeus, with a warning, that the box should remain unopened. But inquisitive by nature Pandora let curiosity get the better of her. She released diabolical spirits on mankind, the only thing we can hold on to now is hope...


bro the community is just so friendly. EHMAZEING MAN


That marshmallow skin was dedicated ๐Ÿ˜‚ 20:48


We can thank the nick eh 30 community for taking the half the health out quickly


If thereโ€™s five cracks, there must be my crack 0:42๐Ÿ’€


Letโ€™s go nick so many funny moments!! โค I love the good vibes the king always provides ๐Ÿคด so excited to see the new season content ๐Ÿ˜ Iโ€™ll be looking forward to it! Nick ur the best ur my inspiration โค much love king


Never back down never what? Never give up


Season 2 is going to be Ehhhmazing! :_ehhMazing:The roleplay was so funny! Keep up the ehhmazing work Nick! โ–ก


this event is SO COOL i really wanna see it in person


Video before the new season let's go!
i already watched all these on stream but watching one more time for the awesome W edits and transition by the king Nick Eh 30 ๐Ÿ˜Š


this type of in game live event brings me back to the old events in ch1 like the ruins and the rubber duck ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚