
True.... 2150 crore rupees which belongs to Tamil School Children was cheated by union govt


Let your union minister get training from Tamil Nadu, how to make budgets 😮😮😮


Enough 2 language, Tamilnadu students more brilliant and flying all over the world and work higher positions in all countries.


Cheating is wrongly termed, "STOLEN" is apporipriate. infact pappans under union of india had stolen more than British!!


India is not only Gujarat , UP, MP & Bihar .


No need 3 language


India means not only bihar and up


I'm kannadiga support thamil Nadu


Great budget... Tamil Nadu government is always people welfare oriented. Thank you our beloved cm Mr. Stalin. God bless you...


It is Union government. Not central government. Union is nothing without state's tax money.


Why godi media crying too much?


NO Hindi  Only Tamil and English in Tamil Nadu...


Who is the centre always north india


We will show the power of Tamil in upcoming election Mr Prime Minister


We will stand and grow.  Long live Tamil.❤


2150 Rs... wow.. what about the interest... CGST and other taxes paid by TN


Totally tamilnadu allocated for education around

Sixty thousand crores (60,000 crores) in numbers is:

60,00,00,00,00 (Indian numbering system)
600,000,000,000 (International numbering system)

It is 600 billion in international terms.

Which means how they are give importance and focus for education system..


Tamil Language 💙


Three bullets bjp had .. 1. religion - did not work … 2. language - Tamil woke up everyone … 3. Delimitation- we have lot of time …


😅🎉🎉🎉 Tamil Nadu People all supported my state CM... Very strong 💪