
Those two cats you hear in the middle of the night fighting with eachother basically


the kansai gaki and the korean gaki πŸ˜‚




the gaki energy is so strong between these two.


The horses are even questioning both their sanity at 0:12


Vivi pulled out the Titus laugh.
HA   HA   HA   HA   HA   HA


0:12 the horses didn't even want a piece of them🀣


Immovable brat vs. Instoppable rascal energy right here.


Kaela, the last Kusogaki bender... 
When the world need her the most, she disappeared


"The only thing will end is the viewers eardrums"
That was true but cruel : (


:face-red-droopy-eyes::face-red-droopy-eyes::face-red-droopy-eyes: x2


What are we laughing at? Yuna, Tidus would be proud xD
Such a cute and funny moment 😭😭😭


Horse 1: is that your owner?
Horse 2 : nah i never saw her in my entire life
Horse 2: you? Is tha-
Horse 1: No!


Subaru Somewhere:



Subaru be like, "There's TWO OF THEM?!?"


Man I Love Vivi and Kanade!!πŸ’–πŸ’›


"my voice is higher than your voice" energy right here


When the unstoppable brat meets the inamovible kusogaki


"Any way you can laugh, I can laugh louder"
"I can laugh any way louder than you"


This feels like that legendary video where two Blackbeard cosplayers were laughing together.