Why am I tearing up!? So happy for you! ❤ you give me so much hope! I started following you in 2022 and it’s been a joy to watch this whole journey. I hope I find really beautiful friendships like you have.
Thanks for sharing! I've watched your videos since your How to Read and Take Notes like a PhD student. I love seeing the changes and your vulnerability. I admire that you're not compromising on who you are and what you want to do with your life. My mom was upset with me for two months when I told her I was going to move to Germany three years ago because she didn't like having me so far away, especially after I moved from Kentucky to LA for college when I was 18. I did anyway and had the best time!! I want to go back to Europe, particularly Belgium to get a master's in psycholinguistics by the time I'm 30 (2.5 years from now) and she told me not to do that while she's alive. I think that if you wait to accomplish certain goals and aspirations or do not fulfill them at all, then that can make you resentful towards the person(s) you're trying to please. I feel like it would be nice for me to get married and have kids, but right now it's important to enjoy my freedom as a single woman and do all the things I want in order to be ready for that. I love your videos and you're definitely living my dream! I'm a subscriber for life!!
Love this video so much. I've been watching for a few years and don't think I've ever seen you look so genuinely happy and content. So pleased for you. ❤
Hey Kaelyn! I wanted to say a quick thanks for your videos and all the work you have done to help students and other aspiring scholars! I am currently a second-year MA student in Art History and have been working on my MA thesis as well as applying to PhD programs for the next academic year. I constantly come back to your channel to get tips on staying organized and how to better approach my research, and I find your strategies really helpful! You also inspire me in your ability to balance life and truly enjoy it whilst being immersed in a PhD program which is something I hope to one day achieve! Thank you always!
So validating hearing your views on marriage as mine are the exact same!!
Kaelyn, I’ve been following for a long time and this balance you’re working on really shows!! Your content is thriving and you look so happy!! ❤❤❤
So happy to hear that you're happy, Kaelyn! That's all the matters. Also, great to hear an update about Danielle! I'd been wondering about her. I hope she's landed some place that makes her happy too.
I'm so happy for you and so proud of you and how you've grown over the last 4!--almost 5 years. 💚
Loved this update ❤❤❤
What a lovely update! So relatable! Earlier this year my spouse and I moved our of our urban apartment into a more suburban townhome. It's still super walkable to retail, parks, and public transit (for the US), but we see trees and wildlife outside our windows and I love that! I do personally like being married, I have some peace of mind knowing that institutions in any jurisdiction would agree we are family. However, I totally understand your position, and do believe we were equally committed during the years were partners but not married!
Congratulations Kaelyn❣️Happy Taco Tuesday! 🎉 Always do what's best for you, Moo & London man. 🎉🥰
I'm always impressed in how good you are in front of a camera!
Such a delightful video! I found you through your PhD but I enjoy all of your content, and then to discover you are an equestrian too! ❤ Maybe a purchase a few years down the line? 😉
omg, Anne of Green Gables is my favorite novel/movie ... also is one of our most prized possessions as a Canadians
What a lovely positive video. Thoroughly enjoyed it. Thank you.
The way I see it, we can have a ceremony to mark the commitment, but like you, I don't necessarily see how a legal document would change much or deepen a connection that already exists. However, would it benefit your visa application/timeline? I know that is the mindset in the US for those that have international partners.
Love all of this for you ❤ I’ve been here since the start of the pandemic and you just seem to be in so much of a better place. On the ‘moving out of London’ front, have you got any thoughts about where? We’re down on the south coast, and while it is lovely here and less expensive than London, it is still so expensive compared to some other parts of the UK! However, obviously the relatively easy travel to London is a big plus as well
Good for you 👏👏👏👏👏
The way this is giving Emma Stone at the end of ‘Easy A’, I love it! Also, a big hi and hello to London Boy.