
3:40 knowing how nobody got injured badly can I just say that synchronized spin is beautiful?


Watching this reminded me of a crash in Formula Nippon in 1996, I'm not sure if most people know since it is a bit obsecure but there's this crash where Takashi Yokoyama got sent up high into the air, hit the starting lights board and his car got disintegrated. Unfortunately he died instantly and if you see the images you'll see how high the car was.


2:55 that’s brutal


This is flipping awesome 😉


Love the commentary 👌🏻


i swear, this guys have the most outrageous and impressive crashes possible :)))


0:28 Just like zhou's flip


some brutal flips


please make the videos 1080p,love your channel


and today every second accident is said to be “without HALO you wouldn’t have survived”...


@msvd is going to be 2021 biggest crashs vidl?


it's a shame you didn't include the other commentary for the Lyons crash, it's kinda funny


Formula Nippon era was chaotic, a lot of accidents..... BUT PLEASE THE BENOIT 2007 CRASH IS A LIMIT, the biggest no fatal crash that I saw in my life


Super Formula Flip


Admittedly, I find some weird & slightly amusing. I like the enthusiasm in Japanese commentary, though, even if the Japanized English-word pronunciations sound somewhat cringy.


Suzuka really has to reevaluate their barriers, it can not be that the car flips on impact


Row 1
Richard Lyons and Joao paulo de 

Row 2
Benoit truleyer and Hideki mutoh
Row 3
Takashi kogure and yuji ide

Row 4
Andre loterrer and osamu nakajima

Row 5
Kohei hirate and ryo michigami

Row 6
Katsumomo kaneichi and tatsuya kataoka 

Row 7
Masami kageyama and nakano hittori 

Row 8
Masao Yamada and loic Duval 

Row 9
Takashi yomokama and sakon Yamato


7 cars 1 cars 2 cars 1 cars 1 cars 1 cars 4 cars 5 cars 3 cars 1 cars 1 cars 2 cars 1 cars


Well this is gonna have to be updated now….


This would be a slow day in INDYCAR.