For every person going about their day, there's another person behind the scenes making it happen. A love letter to blue collar workers, Chicago, and a reminder that we're all in this together. Loved this opening. A new favorite!
The music is 10/10 for The Bear. Absolutely loved this peek into the Chicago world. This show is truly a gem.
This opening credits is beautiful.
I'm finally watching. This opening sequence brought me to tears. Service worker heros!!!
Extraordinary. It's hard to describe just how beautiful this is. A deeply personal love letter to one of the great cities of the world, Chicago.
I absolutely loved this intro. Brings me to tears just seeing how hard people work to make a city function. Makes me want one for every city
This intro was such a perfect love letter to Chicago and it's amazing blue collar folks
A love letter to a beautiful city
one of the most beautiful things i've ever seen in my life. I don't know its just very beautiful I felt kinda emotional
This might be the most well put together opening credits I've seen for a show
What a beautiful love letter to Chicago. I love how this show pays respect to the hard workers of the hospitality, service and food industry of Chicago.
Lovely intro. I’ve never been to Chicago, so it’s hard to describe how beautiful this is to me but maybe the common language here is that is beautiful to see that there’s people a whose every day job is to make a city alive
As a Chicagoan myself ( 1992 - 2018) the fact, that the opening is a cover of English beats “Save it for later” by Chicagoan himself Eddie Vedder; For The Bear, that take places in hometown Is a prefect fit ❤❤❤❤ I heard this beauty cover the other day at work, and wasn’t sure if It was some briefing for a commercial - until i shazamed ( an app ) the piece and instantly bought it ❤
They should release the soundtrack for all three seasons. The music is excellent
I was watching The Bear, of course, I heard this song and had to go Google whose amazing voice was covering this song. When I saw that it was Eddie Vedder, I was so surprised and after giving it thought, not surprised. The man is a phenomenal artist. Loved it. Have listened to it over and over. Thanks for the video clip!
Googsebumps by the musical choise of the makers of this fantastic series.This Eddie Vedder song, but also Nine Inch Nails in the first episode and of course Radiohead. Greets to all fans of the Bear from the Netherlands.
Not just showing hard work but beautiful craftsmanship and care of blue collar work. All before a lot of us have even rolled out of bed.
English Beat will never die
Got absolutely hooked on this song after this episode.