
20:26 “I’m not gaslighting you you’re just crazy”


I am proud to say I was one of the 1,400-1,500 people there for the entire 14 (almost 15 hours) of the Twilight saga watch along stream. No breaks, bring my phone everywhere to watch it. No regrets whatsoever. 💜


Everyone always forgets (or doesn’t realise) that that main reason Edward doesn’t want to make Bella a vampire is coz he believes that it destroys your soul and that all vampires are going to hell and that he himself is damned.


I'm happy to have watched the entire marathon stream. Your reactions are so good. And I'm even happier you guys enjoyed this and formed your own opinions.


49:17 so this is something that the movies never explain... but there is a reason that they sparkle in the sun. When someone becomes a vampire, , their bodies inside and out become crystallized and harder the diamond. They are invulnerable to most things except the strength of another vampire or supernatural being. This is also why they sparkle in the sun. Light does not penetrate their skin, it refracts.


"Why does she always shake things like there's coins in them?" Now I can't unsee it 😂😂😂


Edward did do the apple trick. It took many takes but all real. Also, they do not sparkle in the book like that. It was more like a burst of light that looked like tiny diamond but also appeared fiery. So their "sparkle" made them look like they were on fire not shimmering


I've listened to the Midnight Sun (Twilight from Edward's point of view) audiobook, and Edward is fascinated about Bella sleeping because he forgot a lot about his human life as a vampire. Just saying.


Lol he finds it fascinating to watch her sleep because she talks in her sleep and he can't read her mind so it gives him insight to what she is thinking.


fun fact: when robert was auditioning for this role, he figured out that edward is, between many other concerning stuff, someone who looks constantly constipated, thats how he won the role, he just had to constantly have that looks on his face while he was recording.


1:04:58 I agree, if I havent eaten a burger in 100 years and then see someone eating a burger I'd watch them with drool spewing from my mouth.


10:27 if you think this is crazy, y'all should read this scene in Midnight Sun.(Midnight Sun is the first book but through Edward's POV) He spends the whole hour contemplating how to kill her and get away with it... first he starts planning to kill everyone in the classroom and then her so there are no witnesses. Then he starts planning to follow her home and kill her there. It's honestly a crazy pov.


26:44 yup - he actually did that! They did take after take after take until he nailed it.


16:03 the reason he stares at her too much is (according to Midnight Sun) because he is trying so hard to read her thoughts 🤣 also, he’s terrible at having conversations with Bella at first because he’s so used to read  people’s thoughts and knows what to say without the need of analyzing it. That’s why he’s so awkward at first lmao. Because of his gift it really affected his perception of people and the ability to communicate with others

1:04:49 in midnight sun the first time Edward goes to her room is because he was paranoid that something might happen while she was sleeping and also was really curious to know more about her. The reason he finds it fascinating when she sleeps it’s because she talks in her sleep 😂 Edward would sit in a corner the whole night and read one of her books while listening to her speak in her dreams lmao


MY FAV FUN FACT!! That’s Robert singing :) 1:24:22


Robert sang two songs in this movie - Never Think during the diner scene (which Robert co-wrote) and Let Me Sign during the ballet studio into hospital scenes. RobPat is more of a powerhouse than most people think. He not only acts, he sings and plays the guitar and piano. When the soundtrack for Twilight came out, I wished for YEARS that he would put out an album. I'm still disappointed he hasn't.


When Ruff asked Bri if that's what love looks like and if they were doing it wrong, I genuinely thought they were talking about Eric offering to take Boom to find a grassy field.


FUN FACT! Robert Pattinson was the English VA for the Heron in the Studio Ghibli film The Boy andThe Heron


The only fun fact I know about this movie is if you pause the video around 1:46, you can see that no one is driving the Final Destination truck. It's spooky.


51:04 technically in the books they are indeed billionaires because of their existence, access to inheritances and Alice’s ability to foresee the stock market.