That wasn’t DA DA DA that was do do do 😂
Everyone is rightfully talking about the doot but man... THAT FUCKING SCREAM IS SO HYPE I NEED TO SEE THIS LIVE
Love how you can see him smiling towards the end of the doot lol
Metal at it's finest!!! Michael...
Please tell me y'all have a full recording of this exact video. This shit is so fucking rad, stands out way more than the typical "pro recording" for live shows, and is so fitting for this live performance. It just fits the intensity and fun of the song so so well
The most addicting song ever
The reveal introduction shot of the girls gives me goosebumps. Such an epic moment for the fans of both BM, BMTH, and the song itself! Long time coming, glad it finally did! Hope a full pro-shot video of it comes soon!
Bro Babymetal’s choreography here is amazing. Specifically the part happening as the camera goes from Moa to Momo, where Momo does this one move that looks like she’s slapping shit away. That move’s cold😬
I have to say... The way you guys record these looks sick. I could watch these all day.
BMTH + BM + Kingslayer = 🔥🔥🔥🔥🤘🦊🔥🔥🔥
I always get goosebumps when I listen to it
This "Bleeehg" was monstrous!
whoever came up with do do do idea is a concert genius 😂
broooo his live screams are like 10x better than the rec
My dude was holding back that smile 😂😂😂
Mad props for those tight drums 🥁. So clean. ❤
Fa da way to tell the truth about music ❤
My 18yr old got me too go with him too see that baby metal ive never heard or seen them in my life but they were actually good! 😂
Truly the best concert I’ve been to! (I also went to the Tokyo one two days later because it was that good in Nagoya). Also I can’t sing kingslayer without doing this now. I laughed when I heard it first at the concert but now it’s the only way. When you come back to Japan I’ll do whatever I can to see you again 🖤💚