
Most of my money is in ETFs. But I do have a small allocation to individual stocks that I have a strong conviction in. Strong foundation first.


If you like what Warren Buffett is doing, then buy some Berkshire Hathaway.


I like you showed how you got the charts. A lot of YT content creators don't do that. Thanks


Excellent content. Thanks for putting the transaction in perspective. When people hear "Warren sold..." They assume he made a major shift in the overall portfolio...


The S&P funds he sold made up like 0.01% of his portfolio, a nothing burger.  And no, the average investor is not Warren Buffet and should not invest like Warren Buffet.  He has said countless times that the average investor would be better off just investing in an index fund like the S&P 500 and DCA. Set it and forget it.


Great comments. Love Warren Buffet. If only more Billionaires in this country had even half of his integrity our country would be so different.


I'm also assuming when Warren Buffett is holding "cash" the money is still in a money market fund and more than likely T-bills collecting around 5% interest.


So many experts in the comments section šŸ˜…


I agree with everything you said about overvaluation. I would add that while cash pays less than it did a year ago, it still pays relatively well.


You should be using an ad blocker for security reasons


VOO makes up a significant portion of my portfolio. It is a little disconcerting that Mr. Buffett just dumped it. I recognize that I am not him.  I in no way feel qualified to pick individual stocks. I also don't have 50+ hours a week to dedicate to researching or an entire team working for me to help like he does. 

I'm holding a steady course. I'm going to continue to invest the same amount each month like I always do.  If the market tanks at least I'll be buying the market while it's on sale.  I have at least another 17 year until i retire so i think I'll be OK in the long run.


If your funds are set to reinvestment of proceeds , when the market goes down youā€™re buying stocks on sale.


Still buying small chunks of VOO/VTI on the dips.  But mostly continuing to keep cash as well.


Saw the same article on the explanation that this is just buffet doing his thing, not OUR thing. I also find it oddly amusing (as a newbie investor) that when I hear "park cash" for a future opportunity I think HYS account, Cd's, bonds, Tbills (either directly or through a fund) ect. but this guy "parks (pocket change) cash" in the SP500. I wish I had 39,000 shares of VOO, LOL. :D


I think he is preparing to hand the company to new management and is cleaning house.  He is setting things up for a smooth transition.


He sold those 2 S&P Index funds but still holds many in the stocks on the S&P. Buffet is a great person to get ideas from but remember he is working with Billions and most of us aren't so he makes different moves than we should.


Thanks Rob,
A few other things to consider:
Berkshire is a business, and as such, their main objective is total return to their stockholders. Secondly, with their insurance component, there is some amount of cash and cash equivalents that they want to hold for the next disaster they will have to pay out on. Their ā€œemergency fund.ā€ Third, Buffet is a big game hunter, and there are no viable candidates that meet his criteria.

Ten years ago, when I was still working, my cash and cash equivalents was about 15% of my portfolio. Now it is about 35% ā€” about five years living expenses.

The turmoil last week did not phase me. I have short and medium term treasuries, investment grade corporates, and fixed annuities. My cash flow for living expenses is covered for must eventualities.

I would humbly suggest that anyone that is freaking out about the latest news, whatever it may be, (Walmart, FedEx, Buffet or the price of eggs in China) should probably revisit their asset allocation.


šŸ‘Thank you, Mr. Berger.


The problem I have with the reporting index gains and losses is you never seem to know if they include dividends or not.  Dividends can be a game changer in a lot of "losses" analysis.


Warren Buffett sucks at market timing people. Read the Barrons article this week on him leaving $35Billion on the table as he sold $AAPL and $BAC too soon. He screwed up buying airlines too high. Heā€™s far from perfect. Iā€™m not selling anything but plan on buying all the way down in a correction. I canā€™t time markets but I can buy the fear and hold for the long term.