
No coffee at Kyancutta again is a good reason you should invest $30 for a butane stove and a kettle.  Only takes 5 minutes to boil, by the time you’ve kicked the tyres it’s boiled.
Years ago I mounted a 12 volt kettle to the dash, took half an hour to boil so I’d switch it on half hour before stopping.


Kenny, it’s been said before but you’ve missed your calling. Your introduction today was outstanding and your editing skills continue to blow me away. Go well matey.


Greetings from Alaska USA. I'm following your travels on Google maps. Thank you for listing all your locations. It's great to see your beautiful countryside.


Oh no !!  You’ve done it now Kenny, it’s quart to 3 am and I’m craving a Gilgandra Shell big breakfast.  Maybe I’ll just pretend I’m on the Mendooran road😂


Been watching your videos for a while now Ken, they just keep getting better! Like the way you cut the shots and combine with the music. Great stuff!


Kenny another beautiful video your editing is fantastic look forward to each and every clip you produce, stay safe keep the wheels on the black stuff.


What a fantastic video Ken. Really enjoyed watching.
Those drone shots are amazing 
Thanks for all the effort you put into them


Just discovered this video channel. I'm so impressed. Never been over there by road from Perth. Thanks for bringing all our goodies over. Really enjoyed the professionalism of the vid. 👍


Your editing makes for an epic production, Ken. I watched it on the big screen and was blown away by the picture quality and your choice of backing tracks in this episode. In my opinion the best trucking videos on YouTube! Stay safe and keep Joy happy. Cheers mate👍


Awesome job Ken! I think its safe to say the Perth run was the vlog we were all waiting for with high anticipation. And it absolutely did not disappoint! Appreciate you stretching it out to a full hour. It definitely did not feel that long with all the amazing scenery to take in. Was also an interesting insight to watch you navigate the SA/WA border patrol checkpoint.


Your video's are on another level now Ken. Well done.


Great trip Ken,I have never seen one of your Perth trips. The vids are just getting better and better, the vision, the editing, the music, top shelf, really enjoyed virtually riding with you.👍


Hey Ken, another awesome video. Always enjoy watching each one from over here in NZ, big thank you . Stay safe looking forward to the next journey😊


Awesome work Kenny,really enjoyed the trip over the paddock! Fantastic job on the editing mate, you have a real knack for it. Safe travels home,keep up the great work- no joy,without Joy!👍😎


My mans driving a b double and getting those steady cam shots for us to enjoy. Nice work mate, enjoying a bottle of scotch on my day off on the couch in this hot 35 degree day in Sydney after a long ass week of driving trailers myself. You keep getting better and better with your content aye, been watching you since the early days and its wild to see your style improve. Safe travels fellow driver.


Great work ,, love the videos mate 👍 👌


you have the best trucking channel on the internet by far


Hi Ken thanks for an awesome video of your Nullarbor trip so wishing you safe miles cheers from tim in queensland ( keep on trucking )


Another great trip Ken. I always enjoyed running across the paddock so it was great to have a ride along. Thought at the end they were going to get you do your own dog run. Keep it safe


Best vlog yet Kenny, really enjoyed watching along, thanks so much 👏👏👏