
Thank goodness for force Disney Plus. And a trial that is long overdue. I know some of you are commenting on how some of it looks (Anakin, and Qui Gon) Please do remember some of this was shot a year ago, so the production has come on since.
Thanks to everyone who is watching sharing, liking and commenting as we try to build a bit of momentum for the originals. Also thanks to our patrons and members, 60-90 minutes of ANH is available there as a thankyou.
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/c/CharlieHopkinson
Members: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCewLMcro9tNP97XQ1rxtLXQ/join


Haha! I love that Qui is more outraged about the lying Obi is doing than he was at Anakin using the YMMs on actual younglings.


“I was more burnt than a chosen one on mustafar” 😂😂😂🤦🏾‍♂️🤦🏾‍♂️🤦🏾‍♂️


The Empire definitely has HR.  Her name is Delores and she’s very strict.


Oh, my freaking sides.. this was hilarious! But my favorite part was Padme essentially telling them, "Oh, I believe in their cause, but I don't want my son joining up.. Let me cut them a check." Most politician sentence ever.
Great work, Mr. Hopkinson.


"Hey too far"
"No, Mustafar"
Top marks. Speaking of Marx, Groucho would be proud.


Can't wait for both Anakins reaction to I'm your father scene


I love the fact while this is happening, Evil Anakin and Dooku are just gaming in the other room


“Anakin wouldn’t have waited till morning” “THEY started it!” Omfg 😂😂😂😂


Obi Wan going from a cave to a house on a hill is a substantial upgrade. Cutting up dragon meat must pay more the longer you stay on.


2:59 Yeah…like returning Anakin’s son to his OWN HOUSE and leaving his distinctive surname. Then buggering off to (apparently) sunbathe aggressively for 18yrs…


«why are you giving him my light saber?” 😂


“How did my father die?”

Without dignity


Lay off Luke for wanting to join the Imperial Academy, Obi-Wan, it's not like there's a Rebellion Academy or a Jedi Academy. At least poor, sweet, innocent Greedo turns out okay.

"Can the Force destroy a planet?" *laughs in Darth Nihilus*


Anakin about the Younglings: "They provoked me! They called me Master!"

I'm fucking dead 😂😂💀


As soon as I saw this video I clicked on it. Loved it! Obi-Wan making fun of Anakin for taking orders from Tarkin is hilarious 😂


For awhile didn’t think we were gonna get a reaction to this. Love how you made it!


Cant wait for when the originals are conpleted
I hope we see anakin finding out in episode 5


13:00 "Well, that was a quick-flip, Obi-wan."

"You're like 35!"
"Taking on a new padawan?  At your age?"

Well, that was a quick flip, Qui-gon.


Consistently the best Star Wars content out there