
KI Uprising mentioned? In 2025?? Pal, you're spoiling us

This close to my birthday, too


“Old Pit’s gonna teach you some new tricks! Now play dead!” -Pit, to Twinbellows


The most epic song to accompany a battle against a two-headed dog, a hydra whose heads constantly bicker, Satan’s heart, and I CAN’T HEAR YOU OVER ALL THIS AWESOME incarnate!


Putting this on the "Songs I'm surprised weren't done sooner" list


Not porting this game to Switch was the biggest disservice Nintendo has ever committed


Actually one of my favorite 3DS titles of all time!! I loved the difficulty scaling in that game, and the online multiplayer was almost as fun as Halo Reach!


KIU is the game I played in the hospital while my dad was dying of cancer. Thank you for remembering this legendary game.


Still holding out hope for a Kid Icarus Uprising remaster or port on the Switch or Switch 2. It's such an amazing game


Literally... I just bought Kid Icarus Uprising after losing my card when I was a kid, and it just came in. Now I have two great gifts!! Thanks guys!!!!!


Always adored how Hewdraw's dialogue changes throughout the stage to fit which order you took the heads out in the 5 of flight segment.


To anyone who thinks that Kid Icarus Uprising is impossible to play as a lefty, I got the footage just fine as a lefty.

Just set movement to ABXY and fire to R and use the stylus with your left hand. Worked quite well.


This game is awesome, after Brawl brought Pit back, and with a new design, they had to make a new Kid Icarus, and with the Brawl design, they even got Sakurai to make it.

And next, a brawl is surely brewing.


Probably the fastest I've ever clicked on a video. Seeing a Kid Icarus remix is the perfect way to start the day. Kid Icarus Uprising is an underrated gem, and it needs a Switch 2 port.  This is an awesome cover, keep up the great work with your covers


He rocked to close to the sun. That is why this video is fire 🔥🔥🔥


Fun fact, it has been almost as long since Kid Icarus Uprising's release (2012, 13 years) as the time between Kid Icarus: Of Myths and Monsters on the Game Boy (1991) and the return of Pit in Super Smash Bros Brawl. (2008, 17 years) Let that sink in.


Putting the doggo on the thumbnail is sure a good way to get the Nintendogs point


The title is actually "Boss Fight 1", but that's not going to stop me from enjoying this AWESOME remix of my favourite 3DS game! Thanks so much for making my day with this!


Kid Icarus: Uprising is one of the best 3DS games ever and my favorite ever since I remember it when Smash introduce me to Pit. Still after beating KI:U I really hope a remake or a port happens cause this game has so much potential to be on Switch.

Your remix of Boss Battle 1 and your performance is phenomenal, really love that you turn an already straight up banger music into an absolute banger, the part at 2:33 at the rendition was the best part of this music.


A Kid Icarus Uprising cover in the year of our Lord 2025!? Hell yeah


We had a Megaman Battle Network final boss theme, Kid Icarus Uprising's amazing boss theme, AND we've got a Cuphead song coming up next???  This channel just keeps on giving.