
Thank you for the shout out . My dad use to drive crosley’s when he was in high school . That economy tractor was a bargain at 350.00 . That IH garden tractor was great also . All those BRIGGS engines oh my !!!! I hope y’all have a wonderful weekend . Del


wow thanks for the shout out in the description. that is the 3rd one this week. WOW. SPEACHLESS


wow another shout out via text!!!!! dude u r awesome


What a beautiful day for an auction.   I'm loving the cars


love this content, the auctioneer was tight and very smart to use in the edits. glad i found your content, different niche but very good stuff and great attitude


Very cool 😎 I’m glad I’m here it would be to expensive if I was there πŸ€ͺ🀠


They are three reflective lights. Like the three reflective triangles truckers put out when they break down.


Great sale thanks for sharing! Unbelievable collection! Wow!


Thanks for sharing  πŸ‘


Oh my that was quite a sale!


New sub ! Liked πŸ™πŸ˜‰πŸŽ‰πŸ™ƒπŸ™Œ


Liking that KB5 IH truck.


that was a huge amount of quality highly sought after items.  Quite a collection. I seen a lot  I liked but the little  engine at 16.45 would be my pick.


Are those the flip open road reflectors under the dump bed.


Love the Suzuki Samauri


Ill take that suzuki samurai


My Dad used to have a Truck like that green 
Truck, only his was Red, my Dad bought it for $300. In the 1970's it had a flathead motor it was Great he put a new wooden bed on it, that thing ran great


Nice shout outs brothers! You could use the ashtrays?? LOL. Ol' B smoking it up haha. Looks like yall had fun as always.


This is a set of flares in case you break down


i always wonder if those old tractors with wheels next to each other would topple over