
Nice,also some honorable mentioned:

Victor Crowley:Broken
Bunnyman (Michael):Broken
Babyface:Pure Evil (although it kinda depend on who behind that mask)
Harry Warden:Broken
Jeremy Melton:Broken
Yoon Gwi-nam:Pure Evil


All the purely evil killers have a psychotic, emotionless and sadistic smirk


Slenderman put a kitchen towel on his face and called him a faceless head 💀


Jigsaw: I lost my son to someone, my wife, got cancer and survived my suicide
Also Jigsaw: Let me torture people who forgot to take out their trash for one day


Esther Coleman is broken. She was born with a hormonal disorder to an abusive father, absent mother and was the victim of SA from her father since toddlerhood. She grew to believe that it was her father’s way of showing her love, only up until her late teens when he introduced her to his gf, saying he chose her because Esther will never grow up in reality, causing her to flip out in rage and murder them both. Since then, it’s been her fantasy to have a functioning relationship with a man her age, who wouldn’t treat her like a child.



Pennywise: I'm the scariest clown
Art: Get back in your sewer hole


Esther is actually more broken than you think if you know her backstory as to why she is the way she is.


Candyman is both.He have a sad backstory but also he have a god complex.He always needs a faith from his fanatics.He also likes to kill people who doesn’t believe in him.


Slenderman is broken, he lost he’s daughter when he was a human and killed himself to find his daughter all he wants is his daughter


The creeper has to be one of the most terrifying horror movie monsters ever


Penny: I defeated many people
Saw: I made people defeat themselves


Art's brutality is the most disgusting thing i have ever seen😢


As a Minecraft fan i can confirm The Creeper indeed is pure evil


ART is one of the horror Villian who won't scare you unless you have seen what had they done.


Esther was sexually abused by her father who made her unable to have kids so she gets adopted and tries to make the dad love her because that's all she's ever known. If that's not broken I don't know what is.


Candy man is one of my favorites. He's like a modern Phantom of the Opera in some ways. The way he haunted the lead like phantom did Christine.


Slenderman is dependent
Some versions of slenderman are broken and tragic
Sometimes he’s just a sadistic shit

Edit: I looked it up and pure evil means no redeeming qualities, they can’t feel remorse,empathy, sympathy, or genuine love for anyone (lusts is an exception) so these types of videos should be called villains that are just evil or broken.
Look it up if you don’t believe me


The thing about jigsaw is that 
He is a good guy who do terrible and most sadistic things 
He only targets people who are bad people 
Sure nobody deserves to die in a gruesome way 
But he isn't completely evil neither


jigsaw will casually torture someone when he sees them having a single beer


art the clown is probably the most brutal slasher and he makes pennywise look like as appropiate as a PG movie