
Essentially it's a bone marrow "transplant" but with patient's own cells instead of donor, so no rejection risk?


Me as a "sickle cellian" are happy and sad at once. How are normal people supposed to pay for that? I'm born with it and suffered my whole life 33years. I dont know how much I still got. And a lot of South european and north african(Morocco,Tunisia,Algeria, Egypt - Berber/Amazighs/Touareg & Arabs) & Asian(South East like India,Thailand,Indonesia, Phillipineans ect.) people got it too. I'm born and raised in Berlin Germany and had a lot of different people from different places on the world with me. I heard in India its a big thing tho from a person I once had the pleassure to know. So its not only black people who got it. In my reasearches I found out its all over the World in places where its warm climate. It makes sense. It says we got 7-8million people world wide with sickle cell. But i think the real number is maybe the double of it. Like 15-20mio people worldwide. So its profitable.


anyone tell me this treatment can be done for thalassemia trait ?//


We need a someone who has used it to come tell us please


Standing light behind you isn’t helping your lighting - your face is not well lit and camera exposure is adjusting for the bright light being you


Who will be the guinea pig and which one can afford?


MaxCyte inside :)


Science fiction is becoming technology facts.


And somehow the stock crashes after approval


Good news thank you πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚β€β€β€β€β€β€β€πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚β€β€


Reported for spamming. No useful information, u just pulled 1st summary from Wikipedia. L


So how is this going to be used practically? Insurance companies don’t want to pay for treatments like hydroxyureaπŸ˜‚


And why not have a Black person explain a Black problem to Black people? Yes I know other ppl of color can get it πŸ™„ I find it very interesting and disturbing that the replies about race are from ppl that aren't melanated 🀭 this ain't your fight