
I'm jealous of all the girlies with naturally straight teeth šŸ˜”


I was blessed. Had braces for 4 years. Stopped wearing my retainer  after about 3 years and my teeth are still straight after 10 years. Can still fit the retainers in too.


I wore my retainer diligently every night for 10 years and wouldā€™ve happily continued doing so for the rest of my life until my sister came up to me one day and she was like, ā€œYouā€™ve been wearing that retainer so long, you donā€™t need them anymore, donā€™t worry your teeth wonā€™t shift.ā€ And I stupidly believed her and stopped wearing my retainer and now my teeth have shifted so much I need braces again. šŸ˜­


Problem with braces is once off, your teeth continue to shift throughout life and you will always need to wear a retainer or the teeth will get worse.  Its life long treatment


Explain to me how peopleā€™s parents pay thousands of dollars for braces and then they donā€™t wear their retainer.  I wore mine every.  Single.  Night for like three years.  Now I can go two or three days without, but I make sure to wear it a couple times a week at least.
Edit: You guys realize not all human beings on planet earth have depression right?  I asked a general question, you guys are giving me very specific answers and implying those answers are law.  If you have depression and it makes it hard for you to take care of things like basic hygiene, okay.  Iā€™m not saying youā€™re lying.  But not everyone has depression.  Just because you have it, doesnā€™t mean the world has it.  Take care and I hope youā€™re able to find treatment.


my braces + expander cost $6k so thereā€™s no way iā€™m ever gonna stop wearing my retainer unless told otherwise lmao


I got my braces off in 1998 and I still wear my retainers every single night. I canā€™t sleep without them. Still have perfect teeth. šŸ™šŸ¼


Just got my retainer today. I made sure to ask my dentist every question I could think of because there is no way in hell I am going through braces again šŸ˜‚


I'm on my last month of Invisilgns. My first  2-3 weeks were so painful. There's no way I could voluntarily feel that pain again. I will definitely wear my retainer daily. The sound of her top tray was all the convincing I need.


I didn't wear my retainer for almost a year and a half due to lack of routine in lockdown and a simultaneous depressive episode. When I went to put it back in my bottom was fine and my top had only suffered minor movement (thankfully) however I could barely fit them in. To fix this I would wear them half on every night until I noticed I was able to get them 100% on. Now back to wearing them every night :D


I didnā€™t wear my retainer for years after I got out of high school. I donā€™t know what provoked me to start again but I went back to my ortho for a new set... several hundred dollars later, now that Iā€™ve spent my own money, Iā€™m totally committed to wearing them every single night. In fact, I actually feel like something is off if I donā€™t wear them to bed for some reason, like my nighttime routine isnā€™t complete and I canā€™t sleep yet. I really enjoy them!


I can imagine the pain she's in. Stopped wearing mine for couple of months and although wearing them again wasn't extremely painful, it was extremely uncomfortable.


I'm 90 percent done with braces, and I will DILIGENTLY wear my retainers. I've worked so hard just to straighten my teeth šŸ˜¢
Update 9 months later: I got my braces off back in July, and now I only have to wear my retainer in the night āœØ


I only wore my retainer for like 2 years. I haven't used my retainers in 4 years and my teeth haven't shifted significantly. I was blessed lmao


I lost my retainer and was living in a different state. 

I found out about teeth retain designs they made me a perfect retainer online from home this industry has come a long way


If I ever get braces and had to wear retainers, I'm not gonna waste money not wearing them knowing how expensive they can be...


that is what invisalign feels like, honestly. They said the first two sets would hurt, Iā€™m on 22 and it still hurts. I wear them for like 22-23 hours a day.


I wore my retainer every night or 2-3 years. Then I began to slowly ware off them, like wearing them once every 2 days, then so and so. Now i donā€™t wear them anymore, and my teeth are still perfectly straight after 3-4 years of not wearing them!


I was told i only needed to wear my retainers for about a year when actually I shouldā€™ve worn them for the rest of my life, orthodontists lied to me