
I am Japanese
Thank you for spreading Japanese culture 
I want to inform everyone in Japan that this channel exists.
This channel is useful for my study of English.
I wrote this sentence while watching textbooks and word books

I'm sorry in poor English.Thank you


I'm Japanese, living in hakodate and I'm really glad the first thing shown was from my town.


"You wanted my sausage that bad?" 

I cracked up. I will show myself out.


7:55 -the cutest little granny I have ever seen...


Not cool, dude. You don't just touch another guy's sausage without permission.


I am Yuki and currently living in UK at this moment. 
I always enjoy your films with my boyfriend who is British and BIG fan of you. 
Sendai is my hometown and I am glad that you introduce not only about Japanese culture, but also about Tohoku area which might not be familiar with foreigners.
To be honest, I didn’t know about your channel before,which is a shame, but since he showed me one of your videos that was about “How to date Japanese girls” , I was fascinated and we started to watch together. Now, watching your videos is one of our routine in daily life! 
Thank you for making such amazing videos !!!
In middle of April, I’ll finish my study here and go back to Sendai , besides my boyfriend is coming with me to travel around Japan.
So we are hoping that we can see you somewhere around Sendai !  
That would be in-FUCKING-credible!!! Because you are the shit!!! 
See you soon and looking forward to the next video as always! 


P.S. I am terribly sorry to use such bad words. I just wanted to make it funny. Hope you can understand…lol


Best. Month. Ever. Keep up the great work Chris!


"You wanted my sausage that bad!?" Best line ever.


Oh gosh, that ramen though...😂 

Love the quality Mr. Broad ;) 


Your Curry Soup Specialist


6:00 Hidden Natsuki? :O


Hey Chris, your new podcast is hilarious! Thanks for all the quality content!


"oooo, you're a genius ... except you're not" LOLLLLLL


Seeing your pain suffering from the cold makes me happy that a bit of home made it over to you to remind you of the UK while we recently had a load of snow. Couldn't ever have you home sick after all.


man i have to tell you , you've blown my mind with the way you introduced me to japan’s culture and history! i cant wait for your next series.
Keep up the great work.
Yassin from morocco.


Favorite youtuber, just for the wit. I'm traveling to Japan in a few months and have been binging your videos, very helpful and entertaining content. Hoping for another 3 part series.  Cheers!


'I'm about to freeze to death' soft, playful music begins to play


Chris's descriptions are legendary, They're Justice delicious.


Chris abroad the type of guy to say, oooh it literally smells fantastic


I'm hazarding a guess that you've heard this before, but I just have to say that there is something distinctly young Tim Roth-ish about you. That is a compliment.  :)
Vicariously enjoying Japan through you, thanks!


“Camera glove” 
“You’re a genius” *under his breath “except you’re not” 4:09 had me cracking up 😂 oh the sarcasm. 
On a different note, I would love to visit Hokkaido in the summer. It looks beautiful. I saw a video from internationallyME and became convinced. Hopefully next summer