I'm sad she didn’t make it!
She is advised by the best vocal technicians in Poland. His genre is ultra pop, the timbre of his voice makes for a happy genre of music.
I AGREE 100% Maxxy, I was sad that Luna did not go forward!!
Luna, to byl dynamiczny elegancki show, dobrze się oglądało, może zabraklo skali glosu aby zabłysnąć i zostać gwiazdką tej eurowizji. Glowa do góry ❤
When I saw it I was like: there is so much things actual on the stage, I couldn’t concentrate…
Mir hat es gefallen. Best regards from Berlin
Totally agree with you. That look really chaotic. I think that she was so much concerned with all that happening on scene and trying to sing that overall perfomance wasn't the best
She had around 10 seconds to get to the top of the chess piece so not that short of a time
I love the song but there was just way too much going on here The space themed led with a horse? The chessboard floor and props? Also her vocal was a little bit weird here and what was that choreo?
She has poor breathing control and they created a setting where she has to run fast... I love Luna but vocals are not ittttttt, but still she was great and we should pe proud of her, not hating on her especially ,, for being ugly " ,, Lady Gaga wanna be "...
I have to say, the song might've been in my top 10 but the performance fully killed it... a great example of doing too much. glad it didn't steal a spot from all the other amazing acts. I feel so sorry saying this cause I LOVE Luna, but this performance was not enough to go through. And it's not even Luna's fault. NO to this stage director 😣
I honestlly would change allot in this performance to make it more on theme making it look more clean and less chaotic but still jeeping the chess theme and all the props tho i would add something like the staircase in Hera Bjorks staging with the rising stage thingy
thx for being nice <3
A Pole here, a little late for the show, though only found out this vid today. First of all - Hi! Second - this backdrop is a crime. About Luna - this was, traditionally for Poland's participation - weak. I didn't watch the national selections, but there was a song by well estabilished vocalist Justyna Steczkowska ("Witch-er Tarohoro"), which woul'd have been a much better pick. At least for live vocal part. But still it's the one of the better entries by Poland in many years. Her vocal was patchy and floaty, she sounded like her vibrato was stuck the whole time and she just struggled to get a clean note. I don't think, that the placing had much to do with her not qualifying - I think the music industry professionals (or "the jury") just heard it all and were like "nope". The staging was a very welcome and very fresh addition for Polish enrty as well - this time broadcaster (and her father, who owns a well estabilished food brand of course) budgeted a little more, than 12 zlotys and a pack of chewing gum for the performance. Also - her outfit didn't do her much justice and she looks unfavourable in the most side shots, as her bare stomach bulges and it looks just bad for the camera. I don't understand why they felt the need to do two part outfit like that, this is not a song about "We're Slavic girls, we know how to use our charming beauty" - this was unnecessary. As you Maxxy commented, I must agree - seeing it now, it is actually packed with too much stuff in too little time. I am sad, she didn't qualify, obviously - but I am not surprised either
Wasn't this staged by the same person who did UK 2021? Would explain a lot
The whole performance is chaotic and armature ! Not surprise that she is out !
Max u I agree with you 😢 for Luna tho