
20:00 Those machine makers hold specifications as a secret. I once asked McHale about data interface between wrapper and remote unit. They don't give info out. It's easy problem. Load bale on wrapper and push remote button to start wrapping. I had idea to make loader joystick button to start wrapper. They never give out specification of their data communication protocols. They thinks someone will steal their bread.


I'm on my second 225 AC after a pair of 155R AP's and both blue tractors have out-maneuvred the green ones. Definitely agree with your comments around CVT. 

Great video as ever πŸ‘


No joke George, I've been watching your videos for probably the last decade....fair play for keeping them coming for all this time πŸ‘


Another great video @ drone footage George keep up with the good videos πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘


Lovely 225 George. We are looking at changing our T7.210 for a 225 at the moment, the steering lock on my 210 is exceptional and that’s on 600 fronts too. I noticed my front wheels are set quite wide (non adjustable rims) and I’m thinking the front wheels have been swapped so the bigger dish is on the outside and the steering lock can be increased. Worth a mention to the dealers.


It's awesome to see my fav part of farming starting. Great vid Old mate


Cracking new Tractor George πŸ’ͺπŸ‘ when you were struggling for words to describe it's steering lock weren't the words you were looking for was " it turns like an FW30 "πŸ™„πŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ€£ good days baling πŸ’ͺπŸ‘


Morning squire... with all this new to you big toys you'll need to nick the corners off round the yard just to get about .... πŸ˜…... nice t7 though πŸ‘Œ  comfort in all your tractors now..  stay safe 🏴󠁧󠁒󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿


The 225 seems to have plenty of power .Great video George πŸ‘πŸšœπŸ”§


That's a real beauty of a new tractor, George. 
One reason farmers aren't keen on trying new products is that if you find something that works for you, then you stick with it regardless of cost. 
I remember changing silage bale wrap brand one year, and I went from Visqueen to Silaflex. Well, the Grays Tubeline wrapper didn't like it and it wouldn't work properly through pre stretch rollers on the wrapper. I had been told that Silaflex would be no problem by the guy in the dealership I bought it from, and I bought a whole pallet of it. Well, I returned the pallet of Silaflex minus 2 rolls and went back to Visqueen wrap, which gave no problems. The biggest problem was that I was contract wrapping for someone that day and having to stop because of problem wrap didn't go down well with the customer that day. It lost a couple of hours of wrapping time trying to obtain a supply of Visqueen wrap.
So if you have something that works for you then stick with it


That beeping noise from the console is the same chime as the drive though at Mc Donald's πŸ˜‚


Good vids, Next week Here in NZ we have Mystery Creek feild days biggest agriculture advent in New  Zealand, cant wait to go and check out the new gear.


Nice tractor and bailer 

Another great video has always George and liz πŸ‘


Great stuff George and Elliot, well wear to Ye All, very nice tractorπŸ‘ŒπŸ‘πŸ™πŸ˜Ž


Enjoy the New tractor and good luck with all your silaging.😊


Hi George great video love the new t7 new Holland 225 great baleing work πŸ˜…


that sure is some hp for a baler mate . nice vid


She’s an absolute beauty George very jealous, best of luck with her.


I always see you messing w older tractors glad you got a new one


Another great video nice to see the new tractor working