The fuel quality thing is a really interesting one. I remember Vicky Butler-Henderson doing a great piece on Fifth Gear about fuel wuality and using a dyno and the same car to show the difference between the fuels. She could genuinely feel a difference on the road between V Power and some of the others. It was good nerd telly, actually
The noddey & the nodder, literally spat my coffee across the train 😂😂😂
My 2CG would be as follows... Fiesta ST-1 (Cat car or high miler) -£4500 Fiat Panda 4x4 - £1500 £6000 total, your get away car is one of the best modern hot hatches and your stash vehicle is light and nimble just like the jimny Harris mentioned however a little more under the radar as a suspected off road get away vehicle. Im sure if you pitched to your viewers/listeners to drop their 2CG in the comments each week the engagement would increase and we could all see this channel we love skyrocket. Great episode all, keep them coming.
I have a local esso and have always avoided it as assumed they still only sold garbage juice! Excellent consumer advice within this episode, glad I played some catch up on old episodes 😊 Although my car was mapped on tesco 99 and have personally never had an issue
Long live Tesco Momentum. I'm clearly just oblivious and not noticed prices dropping, but couldn't believe it was 'only' 135.9 at my local Tesco yesterday.
As someone who is into cars, but not an English native - guys it is a real pleasure to listen to you guys. 4 gentlemen discussing wether a hand should be lifted from the rim. Amazing stuff, keep it up please!
This podcast is simply perfect
If they nod - I cant believe no-one on the podcast assumed (or even questioned) they were a biker. I consider it a real compliment. I got a biker nod whilst being in a 4-wheeled-cage. Its the height of thanks!
Gentlemen, I have just seen (Tyrell’s Classic Workshop) the very clever rear suspension, brakes etc. “cartridge” from an E type, which was a so and so to service/repair. Does the team know of a similar “cartridge” which is just as clever but easier to service. I am amazed this hasn’t found its way into more modern cars. Or has it? So relieved that you are back. There was a big hole in my Petrolhead life. Thank you all. David. Cheshire.
Fridays are a whole 77% better with the Chris H, Chris C, Manish and Neil. Always love the detail, input and laughs from all directions and perspectives. Much love 🙌
Some highways in Australia have so little traffic that you raise your pointer finger off the steering wheel (hand remains on wheel) to say hello to a car passing the other way. No thanks, no kindness. Just a g'day
At one point rally cars in the British Tarmac championship had to use pump fuel, there was I believe a garage in Wales or Ireland that sold 105octane fuel, so we used to buy it in drums from Sunoco on that basis. Secondly really enjoyed this week podcast- some thoughtful insights as well as some humour - many thanks team!
Ferrari has 4 issues with the 296: 1. Like Chris Cooper said, its a V6 not a V8. 2. Its turbocharged so it doesnt sound great. 3. No one wants a hybrid, they break and are expensive to fix/maintain long term. 4. The touch buttons on the steering wheel are a disaster.
Loving the pod! Thanks team for going all in on another brilliant episode.
Two points you are so bang on right with, one being the Ferrari V6 engine not being a “proper Ferrari” as it’s not a V8. Remember when Porsche brought out the Cayman cars with 4 cylinder engines and the poor sales of those 🤷🏻♂️ And two, I didn’t know anything about Esso’s 99 fuel so their marketing team needs fucking off 😂
Pleasure to bump into one of you guys at some tuning place on Tuesday; but did you notice the customer car park? There were 1300 electric cars parked up for the local VW dealership, 99.9% new, the others pre registered. Government take the hint; no-one wants to buy them!
In the Russian-speaking world, it is very common to flash your alarm lights as either a thank you or an apology. It then becomes a matter of the length of the flashing (1x blinking - I recognise you did something for me, but hardly needed to as I could have done my move anyway; 3x blinking - I really appreciate your gesture; more than 3x blinking - something is wrong and you didn't put them on for me). As a motorbiker, when going slowly through a traffic jam, I either bend my helmeted head in their direction or stick out a foot as a thank you, if they see me coming in their mirror and make space by moving to the outside of their actual lane.
The signal given by a Mororbike's leg shows goodwill. James Tucker
Also I got some interesting observations regarding garage fuel: am driving Passat B8 2.0 turbo Diesel, I've tried all the superior fuels and so far only tangible difference I'm getting from Shell VPower diesel. What fascinates me is that I found one particular SHELL garage where even regular diesel gives me notably better performance, practically as good as their or others' VPower. That's puzzling as one would think they all should be identical within one brand/network