Better Together is a HUGE Blessing in my life. I am so happy I found it❤❤❤. Thank you sweet little Laurie and Matt❤
I'm serving my aging Mom. That for me meant I change cities and go back home. My home city is not where I'm meant to be...but God I'm grateful for serving Mom.
Yes I agree with Chrystal; there’s a time to be present, put the devices down; and for us to lead by example for our children and grandchildren!
Amen thank you for the clarity of this discussion it's really giving me the confirmation i needed😇
Full on service - is small things done in big ways. Often times it's not about the object but more so about the delivery in manner in how it's shared or distributed. Our God is in the details. ❤
I am so grateful that i found this channel last year ❤
New Subscriber! My younger sister Charlotte told me about this program, and when I saw the change in her life, I decided to watch you and I am truly blessed. My church is looking for people to help in certain areas and I am going to call them today. I will also tell my sister Charlotte "thank you" for referring me to your YouTube channel. God bless all of you as you bless the world.
This blessed me sooooo!! God knows what He desires to do through us!! What an honor to be a Servant!! Jesus set the standard for us!!
AMEN. That was great what she said about five people. AMEN. THANK YOU, LORD JESUS. THANK YOU, HOLY SPIRIT. THANK YOU, LORD. THANK YOU, GOD. AMEN.
Amen 🙌
Thank you Lord
Love when new videos come on!!! Love better together. Feeds my soul every morning ☀️💕
I love and I appreciate you ladies and this topic it came at the right time for me, I remember praying asking God to help me not to be driven by the applause of men and I asked how am I gonna survive many people when I start to go out there the do your will and not have the spirit of pride. And I thank you for this story of Jesus always taking time to spend with the Father it is a great model for us to leave the crowed and spend more time with God ,.I love it and this question came to me now.(what is the use of always bee surrounded by a crowed and the applause of men without God?
Great message
Thank you for your good sharing. Jesus did nothing on his own, but listened to the voice of his Father in him and did everything with his Father's heart. (John 5:30,8:28) In the same way, if we listen to the voice of the Lord within us and live with the heart of the Lord,name of Jesus. we can live like Jesus and serve others with the Lord's heart the Lord gave..Amen.
This is great Thankyou.
Amen thank you Jesus 🙏♥️
This is good❤❤ "...if no one ever it enough...even in the tech age, yes ma'am, well said