That part when she says, I know what it means to live a life with God and a life without and I never ever want to experience life without God ever again!!
Every woman that come on these shows glow with the holy spirit
So thankful that I came across this video!!!!!! And I have to add, Naomi Raine, your voice is not just a talent and gift. My 2 year old daughter who has Autism and cannot speak in words, she sings your song Find My Peace! And seeing her sing it, I just know that is God! 🙌🏽 And when she is having really hard time calming, she will bring me my phone so I can play the song for her. Your talent and gift is a true blessing to us so thank you!
This comment I have to write- Naomi Raine, you are such a beautiful blessed woman. My first time seeing you and had to rewind the clip to get your name so I could add in my comment😊. I thank the Lord for allowing all these amazing women to share their stories to encourage some of us. May the Lord keep you all in Jesus name, Amen 🙏
What a beautiful redemption story - Man fell away from God and His grace, so God brought man close to Him away from sin through His grace! love it!
I love how authentic and raw this is. More of this in his church so GOD can get the glory. 🙌🏼
This has a direct hit in my spirit. I’ve kept my gifts for so long it’s draining
There is nothing too hard for OUR GOD!!!! If we would BELIEVE what He says and stand and declare what thus says the LORD!!!! Hallelujah!!!
Soooo I happend to bump into this channel because of Dr. Anita & Pastor Stephanie . Truly love This conversations from different paths from women of God . Thank you . Truly .
Thank you ladies for sharing. God bless you all and your Ministries. 💜🤗
Thank you for the clarity, I have been praying for these answers to this topic ❤
May God bless you all so much. I am 30yrs and I have been trying to figure out my life. I started a prayer and fasting today about clarity and then I bumped on this message. This message has given me more than clarity. Thank you Jesus. I surrender my entirety to You. Use me Lord!
God grow me in Jesus mighty name!!!
Glory to God. 🙌🏾 Thank you God for moving in and through these God fearing Women to communicate your word.
Such a powerful and profound declaration for us to use our spiritual gifts! I will use mine for the glory of God. Thank you, Jesus!
I love you all❤. Thank you. Indeed God uses the foolish things. Thank you Sheila, i'm also the shy type so this is encouraging ❤
Love this talk 😊
Beautiful and encouraging, thank you!
This is so motivational ❤ God BLESS these Great women of God.