
I'm a tilt screen shooter but this combines the best of both worlds, amazing!


I really enjoy Your unbiased initial review. From all the A7R V reviews I've seen today Your is the best. Keep up the good work!  And as for the camera itself, it's a really good product and in My opinion worth upgrade if You're a hybrid shooter. For stills only I would keep the old IV and save money for something else.


I sold my A1 for the A7RV, recently, and don’t miss a beat.  Granted, the A1 is truly a professional tool, but with Sony not updating its firmware, it is a superb platform that’s been allowed to wither on the vine.


I’m a stills photographer, that works with models, that owns the 4th. I never moved the screen since I owned it,  never used video.  Thanks for not being a chill. The same picture quality. I never had issues with focus on the 4th. So, I guess I wait for ar7VI (6), a medium format from Sony, or move onto another brand that has a medium format. I’ve owned every R model that Sony has produced. I can’t justify paying for a premium for buying my same camera again. 16:48 my exact thought


Hopefully the a9iii will have a ~30MP sensor with 6K60p internal (RAW) recording and oversampled 4K60/120p with full sensor readout. If photography was all I ever wanted the a7RV would be great but these crops are a real bummer for me. Oversampled video footage is just so much more beautiful.


You mentioned that the rear LCD screen was the same as previous models, but according to specs, this A7R5 has a 3.2 inch LCD, whereas previous models were only 3 inch. However, I am certainly glad you brought up the quality of the LCD and the fact that Sony are considered cutting edge in screen manufacturing. It's bewildering to me that they don't use this to their advantage and have a class leading rear LCD on their cameras.


The features are so darn amazing. Not just the A.I. intelligent focus, but the video features are now on par with the rest of Sony's 4th generation cameras. Cannot wait to pick up the a7RV soon.


For cross-shopping purposes against the Canon R5, let’s not forget that Sony comes with Sigma, Tamron, Viltrox, Samyang, and other glass options that Canon no longer does. For me, glass options are this camera’s “killer app” relative to ANYTHING Canon offers. If this camera even comes anywhere close to the R5 in specs/performance, the ecosystem makes it a no-brainer, for me.


Your videos are really made well.  They stand out so much more then other YouTube video creators.  Keep it going!!


Sony is killing Nikon and Canon with innovation. Even simple things like the multiple flip screen angles. Nikon and Canon Executives should be slapping the hell out of every one of their engineers right now.


What would be your preference between the Sony A7R5 and the Canon R5 if you were doing both video and photography?


I keep tracking with eye autofocus enabled on my front shutter button all the time and a back button set to single point autofocus. That way when it's trying to select something I can always just hit that single back button to single point focus on whatever I want. When I let it go we're back to tracking with the front button.


The Canon R5, R6, R7 and R3 all have the deep learning technology.  Sony is 3 years behind here.  Great honest review I will not be upgrading the A7riv.


Really good review Dan ! Not just specifications. Quality of your videos is outstanding as well. And I also like the fact you can compare between different systems. This price bump on the A7R5 makes the Canon R5 an even more compelling camera. I won’t buy one mainly because of the lens choices on the Sony but still. And the R5 is 2-years old.
Edit: although I checked and the Canon is £300 more expensive in the UK at £4,300


Great review, I've got one ordered. But I didn't come here to say that... I came here to say awesome yellow and red Pumas!!! Where can we see the photos you took of them?


I used to shoot for most of the import magazine back in the day.  I wish we had this technology then.  Cameras these days are soooo good.


Coming from an A7R 3 this seems like a no brainer.


My A7R4 resold to get this new masterpiece A7R5 now !!!


For me the biggest disappointment with this camera is the burst rate at 10fps only in compressed raw, I would have been really happy with a slight upgrade and I was expecting 10fps uncompressed and 12-15fps compressed. That 1 spec alone is a deal breaker for me personally, also was the reason I didn't get A7 IV, Sony doesn't seem to have a direct competitor to the Canon R5, maybe they are saving that for the A9 iii?


I don't normally shoot handheld but I did when asked to shoot an event. The ergonomics of the Sony was very uncomfortable but the remedy is just to get a battery grip. Third party options can be had for $40. I like the option to change the size of the camera as opposed to just having a larger body.