
Law and order problem is there under AAP rule.


Free khalistan


You never know mant was on high and did it and couldn't remember the incident


When shadows rise and echoes cry,  
and fear walks where faith should lie,  
build not with walls that breed despair,  
but with the earth, the sun, the air.  

Let hands shape fields where children run,  
where peace is grown with rain and sun.  
For those who weave with love and light  
shall sleep in homes untouched by night.


अगर कानून ना हो punjab मे तो पूरा हिन्दू धर्म इन जेसो को निकल के वो हशर करेगा की.  कोई गलत काम करने से पहले 10 बार सोचेगा  im hindu but kanun ke agee silent hu bs  kyu kyuki I'm belong to hindu dharam  👍🙏


Grenade fekne wale ka naam -karandeep yadav,
Mukesh yadav,
Sajan Singh


Nashedi cm jawab dee? KARWAI KAB HOGI ??


Khalistan zindabad