This is just what I need bc last night God showed me my anger and jealousy issues. Thank you sisters for your transparency and honesty and rawness
Thank you for addressing this topic today. I need to heal from unspoken boundaries and the grieve from feeling I won’t be provided for when I say no. Please help us Jesus to be empowered over a slave mentality so we can function from rest on a permanent basis
I don’t know how to deal with conflict and have the hard conversations. I don’t explode. I just let things go. I do go to God & cry out to & I really try to pray through it but there are still unresolved issues. Thank you again so very much. It’s like I smothered some things but not dealt with them. Help me Jesus
Depending on who the anger is toward, it can be a challenge to control. I feel that the anger definitely seems more powerful when it is with a person I care about or have close relations to. I seem to be able to pause when the anger or frustration is with someone outside of my personal life. Probably because the people closest to my life know how to press my buttons, why they would want to do that is mind boggling. However, it is up to me to control how I react. I need to learn what triggers me when constantly encountering those certain people.
I have anger issues but there are things I have not been able to deal with because I've been taking care of my elderly parents. I just haven't have the time to work on me. I pray to God every day to help me handle my emotions do they don't control me. But I also have to deal with internal pain in order to heal from anger and sadness.
🙌 Thank you Lord, please help get rid of anger issues and fill me with your peace and love, Amen 🙌🙏
Thank You Holy Spirit for this powerful truth.
Great pearls. Anger leading to sin takes too much energy. Surrendering my emotions to God and navigating my anger has been helpful. Thank you ladies!
I didn't come by this episode accidentally. Thank God for His Holy Spirit. He has enabled me to understand the reasons for anger. A loving, not a condemning, Father, but one who wants me healed and free, forever! Praise God.
This is such a powerful message! I actually got delivered while watching this program, I felt like something left me and tears went down my cheeks. I feel joy and peace in my chest area. I know now that the anger inside of me was from the hurt in my past. Thank you Lord for making me free 🔥❤️
Thank you ladies for being vulnerable for the purpose of the betterment of others. You aren’t alone. We have these experiences too ❤
I lost it yesterday at famiy and loosing it at work. Then the next day this came up. God is definitely trying to tell me something
As a single mother an adult orphan in my 30s, I glean so much from BETTER TOGETHER. ❤ It's become the very thing that has strengthen me from hopelessness and now it's shared with my kids father, my little sister, my younger cousin. I lost myself and I found their the pain this holy comfort and peace as I journey their the unknown. My hope is coming back. My life is looking more Christ like. My grief has been unpacked and is still being unpacked as I'm watching major transformation. I can't thank you enough for this ministry. I pray you are all so very blessed. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for being my Godly council when I didn't know where to turn.
I am experiencing this also with my son. It was to the point in one season when i pick my son up from school and right as im putting the key in the door my son say. Mom has was your day good or bad. When he got a older like a year or 2 later he now say stop yelling at me. So now since im aware of his feelings even in my pain and from how i was yelled at as a kid. I dont want to be like that with my kid. So im grateful my child was able to express this too me. Thank you everyone this is really a sensitive conversation
Ladies, thank you so much for this amazing episode! I have had an anger issue for as long as I can remember. I never understood why God would not take it away, no matter how much I prayed and rebuked it. I learned so much, and now I know I can begin my journey to learning how to control my anger. God bless you all!
The more I walk with the Lord, he brings clarity that I need to address my temper. Toward my kids especially. Anger is a 2nd hand emotion !
Yes there’s a big difference between responding & reacting!!
Thank you sistas.. I have unresolved anger..I am aware of it and of course it's stems from childhood.. I was not allowed feelings so I was always crying from anger.... enormous responsibility as a child..again thank you ladies God is using these sessions with you 5 specifically.. I am so grateful he is going to help heal me. 🙏🙌
Quiet and Calm that's what I'm working on for myself as God has me going through a very tough season 🙏 it has not been easy after 30yrs of marriage. God is definitely working in me and God convicted me that I had to apologize which humbled me and after apologizing, what a difference it has made, thank you God 🙏