
As a Czech having Poland as such a strong neighbour and having Poles between us and Russia makes me really feel calmer


“Poland will have its borders, even if it's on the last map humanity ever draws.”


i never imagined to live in a time where french and polisch people tell germany to built more tanks an go into war mode but here we are.


If anyone has a right to be worried, it is Poland


0:00 Poland 
11:42 Taiwan vs China 
22:40 Syria
34:43 Pakistan


Poland deserve more respect for their WW2 work - tough humans, fair play!


As a American I can’t understand how dissolving our alliances disrespecting our friends is good for us


From Denmark to Poland:face-red-heart-shape:


As an American right now getting quality news is....a challenge to say the least. I can't overstate how much I appreciate these videos, while we're dealing with our own basket of rabid squirrels at home it's incredibly important to continue to follow news on the more global/macro scale. It's easy to lose sight of the bigger picture, these videos really make it digestible but thorough enough to help me feel at least reasonably informed about the world outside. Thank you all for making these, your work makes a big impact for many of us.


Greetings from Finland. I have been talking about for years that a shared nuclear program with countries like Poland and others that would be willing (Like Baltics would likely gladly want to pay part of the costs to get in) it would be more than doable to have a proper well funded program with friends. 
We are already in the same boat and if things turn ugly, it would be beneficial if we would be working even more closely in the matters of defense.


Solid reporting on the Polish part. One correction: the title is false; nobody calls a plummer because they want to. People do it in an emergency, because they have to. Poland is in that emergency.


There's one significant impediment to Poland withdrawing from the cluster munitions ban treaty: it never signed the treaty in the first place.


The last name of Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk is pronounced <Toosk> not <Task>. Every time you see the letter "u" (or "ó" for that matter, they are pronounced the same way) in Polish read it as <oo> as in "foot" or "tooth".


I just recently found out a Polish—Finnish company owns the biggest constellation of a particular kind of satellites (Ice Eye founded by Rafał Modrzewski and Pekka Laurilla ). I wonder if they could develop a replacement for Starlink. They have been already a great source of intelligence for Ukraine, as their satellites provide pictures with technology that penetrates weather conditions, snow, leaves and other objects that hinder classic satellites. The pictures can be taken almost anytime. IceEye actually provided images during the LA wildfires.


hell yeah poland. our big brother. love from LT


""russia already borders Poland, dipsht"" xD too good


As a Pole I was pro-american almost whole my life. But seeing Musk calling one of the higher politician in my country "small man" and threatening to pull out from NATO after Poland met all requirements and helped when 9/11 happened broke something in me. Poles has been treated this way for centuries under occupations - as "small men". Whatever party is right now under the control of our country, it makes me sad and at the same time angry that friends are just backstabbing us right in front of my eyes. The saddest thing is the same happened before IIWW when France and England didn't want to help Poland at the beginning.


Poland has no intention on being taken off the map for a third time, never again means something to the Poles.


I support Poland 100%


Hell talk of acquiring the bomb is even happening in Canada now. And I never thought that would ever be brought up.