
Thank you for this video, this is probably one of, if not, the only videos to be this accurate about this topic. So many people get confused on how many evil variants of Mark were present in the IW, and you got all 20 right and then some, I’m extremely impressed. You have no idea how many others get at least one thing wrong or a ton of things wrong, even like the wikis. Again, this is impressive and thank you, you got like nothing wrong or missed out. Good stuff man!


Going from not wanting to build your empire with blood, over killing Mark because his variants killed so many people you cared for, to hire Marks to kill Mark... is wild.


They ended up changing some of the survivors. Omni Mark ended up being one of the last survivors in the show. Which makes way more sense


Personally I think viltrum marks aura is the best. I absolutely love his brooding stances that we see him have in almost every scene besides his death (and the spawn fight).


Omni-Mark is officially off the fraudlist thanks to the show🙏


I really liked how Mohawk Mark got a little bit of fleshing out in the mini Angstrom/Robot's heel turn arc. I just wish we got to see more of his universe and how the Viltrumites operate with him as Emperor.


Cape Mark is definitely the most evil, but Mohawk Mark will be an absolute menace.


In hindsight, Mark leaving a version of Robot with all of his powers, full control of the Viltrum empire, and knowledge of other universes was a really bad idea. Kinda surprised the writers never did anything else with that story. Would’ve been cool to see them try to spread across the multiverse like how Angstrom had originally promised the other Invincible’s in order to start the invincible war in the first place.


I like to think that Omni Mark was in the opposite position, a kid to a dad who wanted him to grow as a normal kid, but he developed his powers early and wanted to embrace his culture. Omniman would then refuse to kill his own son and Mark would kill him in the process, taking his place for the empire.


the mark who killed omni man dying to a fucking yoyo is the stupidest power scaling in the whole comic


about flaxon mark, my guess is actually far simpler, that in his timeline he didn't have his suit figured out yet, so when they attacked he was like "huh... i kinda like this"


Theory for Omni Mark:

Reason why he killed his dad because in his universe, it was Nolan who didn’t want to take over Earth. He hid his Viltrumite past from Omni Mark. When Omni Mark found out, Omni Mark wanted the opposite—he wanted to conquer Earth. 
They had to fight, and ultimately this resulted in him killing his universe’ Nolan.


20:55 I’ve seen a lot of people say this, but this is what we call “survivors bias”. It isn’t necessarily that in most timelines Mark is evil, though that definitely could be true, but it’s simply that in most timelines where mark is ALIVE is because he’s evil. Because id guess that most good marks are killed by Nolan.


Angstrom Levi: "He can't be a good guy! I remember him killing so many people!"

Also Angstrom: "I'm gonna work with all the Mark's that harmed me personally and killed many innocents, to make people think you did bad things!"


The variant who killed Angstrom's wife is the show's version of one of the Marks fought tech jacket.


I remember angstrom saying to Debbie that she joined Noland and betrayed mankind.


I think Bullet Proof mark, like Flaxxon Mark, was killed not just by the reanimen. But also because of the noise devices Cecil had, and/or getting overwhelmed by them. Because while yes, Nolan and Mark had been able to plow through reanimen, it was with a bit of strugle and only a couple. From the looks of it in the comic, he was swarmed by an army.


Remember, Bullet Proof Markh got killed because of the sound wave plus the reanimen. That sound wave will cripple any Mark


Crazy how Aangstrom sides with the evil versions and offers them conquest to go after the one version that's trying to be a chill guy fr