4:16 I FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFREAKING CAN'T STOP LAUGHING NOW......... Edit: OMG, Thx so much for the like. :)))))))))))))))))))))
You guys like my new jumpcut? 😂
1:45 R A G E Y O U R D R E A M
super man bunta !!!!!
when eurobeat kicks in!
2:42 Whoop, whoop, as a sound of da police! Whoop, whoop, as a sound what i need...
0:27 that moment when you complete a lap in namhansanseong under 4 minutes for the first time
1:06 Quadruple Crashu ?!
4:17 LOL 😂😂😂😂😂
0:15 The Clock Looks Like The Lexus Logo
bunta is so funny xD
Keisuke's first day in Race World
why is everyone pulling away from me ? Lesly as Bunta : starts the race at 6th gear :) Real Bunta : :_)
today i have learned that nfs mw ai's are slowly turning against the players.
When Save Me dont was the euro beat of bunta wow
1:36 POOOOOOOOOR K E E Z O O K O O Z O O K O O ......
1:58 6th gear