
These seems awfully ai generated

By how those braces are moving.


I love how a tooth grew out of nowhere along with the braces with it


Wow bros teeth were so janked he had floating teeth, braces falling off and merging into each other, a backwards molar and his lips changed color


"You are now leaving Britain"


Getting braces tightened was the shittiest feeling the next few days


Others: “Wow, your teeth are so pretty!”
The shi- I’ve been through:


Dawg running from the tax collector


I love how the subscribe button made a swoosh sound but, at the same time, I was looking at the T-pin on the upper left swing in. I was like... "ooh, sound effects".



Crazy A.I


Omg i cant believe how much it changes you even grow more teeth than your supposed to! (I swear to god if some one says its ai generated I KNOW THAT)


Its giving granny nightmare mode


Good time lapse. I had teeth behind teeth. Had braces for years and got them straightened just like that.


It even grew a tooth lol 😭🤣


My teeth are worse than that and I haven’t had braces yet, I need them desperately


Props to the cameraman


Thatg feeling then teeth syrgery is tommorow:


All the process worthy, my teeth were so bad, now feeling completely confident, I strongly recommend to do it.


This is a strange video, I had braces and my teeth surely didn't move like that, it looks as tho all of a sudden a tooth came from outta no where....lol!!


Time lapse... how long ?


The country that has people with the most deformed teeth is Morocco and that is directly due to perturbation in the growth process due to consistent trauma during the growth process due to narcissit abuse; it doesn't only menifest itself in the teeth but also in delayed puberty especially if the child is the escape goat. These are my own observation after living over 43 years with nacissits and scape goats